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Chloe P.O.V

"Where are you taking me?"
I asked really worried. What the hell does he wants? What happened back there. Was I actually blacked out or something. His he a magician or something else.

"Put me down!" I ordered him but didn't faze and continue with his walking. He didn't bother to look at me. I struggled hard to get rid from him but all the struggle went to vain. He put me down in a black SUV and start driving.

Where the hell is he taking me? I was worried sick. No matter what happened I will not go with a stranger, I'd prefer rather dying than to be with him. That's when an idea popped into my mind.

I'll jump outside the car rather going with him to an unknown place. I tried to open the door of car but it was not opening. No matter how much I try it wasn't opening. It was my tough luck that it was locked.

Okay I have to think about something what should I do to get rid of him? Think Chloe. Think. It is when I realize that car has stop in the middle of nowhere. Everywhere there are thick and malicious trees and nothing else.

Oh my god what if the stranger wants to rape me or worse, kill me. It's when I started sweating but I gather courage to ask him,"Why have we stop-"

I was soon cut off but strangers dark and loud outcome. It was actually first time I heard his voice. He ferociously roared on my face,"Shut up! Since the first minute we have met your complaining and whining like a kid, Rosslyn. Just for once can you keep stupid trap of your's shut."

His words sent a chill through my spine, all of the sudden I started feeling cold. My breathing became heavy and my legs turned weak. I was afraid to my bones. It's when he I realized he called someone when he ended the call he looked at me.

He noticed my frightened expression, it sounds crazy but I had felt that his facial expressions have relaxed too. This time his eyes held kindness. He looked at me as if his eyes held the guilty of shouting at me. This time he speak to me but more politely,"Look Rosslyn! I myself don't want to be stuck in these woods. The car broke down but I have called the driver already and he is on his way to take us home."

Again he is calling me Rosslyn there must be misunderstanding that needs to be cleared. He thinks I'm Rosslyn but I'm not, my name is Chloe and I think I should tell him. After observing his calm response, I gather the courage to talk to him again,"Look my name is not Rosslyn I'm Chloe, I guess you picked the wrong person. It'll better if you just drop me back to my house and pick the girl Rosslyn."

Within milliseconds his facial expression changed from caring to a hard and blank .I was frightened the way he switches modes."Don't try do over-smart me girl I know who I pick is my girl, my Rosslyn did you get that in thick head of yours or not," he barked on my face.

My heart was thumping up and down there is some serious problem going on this guy either he's suffering from multiple personality disorder or he is some kind of psychopath because for a normal person switching personalities like this quickly is just impossible. I never met such a type of guy before in my whole life. Can he be sure that I'm his girl because I have never met him and if I would, I would have probably never forgotten such a person.

I saw a Mustang coming in our direction, he told the driver to come later with the SUV and ordered me to get into the car. I did as I was told because I wasn't in the mood of arguing or fighting. I was at the verge of crying. I just miss my bed, my pillow where I can cry my eyes out. Let him see that I'm broken I tried my best to keep my tears in but I didn't realize when a drop of tear went down my cheek.

"Rosslyn," He called  me politely.

"Rosslyn! Don't cry. I hate to look at you like this being so weak and broken heart."

This guy is actually getting on my nerves for instant he acts like he actually cares and other he acts like he doesn't give a bullshit about what I feel and what I want. He is just so complicated.

"You know if you'd care you had dropped me back to my family and house." I rubbed my teary eyes not bothering to look at him.

"I'll give you anything rather than that, Rosslyn! Just asked for it." I looked into his eyes to study his expressions. He seemed sad and distressed, like he himself doesn't want to shout and argue with me but again why is he doing all this? What does he wants from me? First my parents were keeping things from me and now him.

I leaned my head on my hand and was completely lost in my thoughts. Why does everyone think that I can't handle things? My head was pounding. I'm fed up with everyone, fed up with the parents and fed up with him. I know nobody will give me the answers I have been looking for. So, I didn't put up an argument further and closed my eyes.

"Wake up, Rosslyn." I heard a deep husky voice. I rubbed my droopy eyes slowly and thinking that how a guy entered in my room, though I wasn't complaining about it.

When I opened my eyes it's when I realized I'm not in my room. I'm in the car but with whom. It's when event from the morning flooded through my brain. I looked at me left wishing that psychopath had disappeared but he was there still driving. He smiled at me and cooed,"Welcome home."

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