Chapter 1: Best Friends are Actually Mean to Each Other, Right?

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Chapter One: Best Friends are Actually Mean to Each Other, Right?

Thud! Jin groaned and let out a whimper as she presses her palm on her aching back.

"Wow, what a great way to start this day!" Sarcasm dripped over her words as she puts an emphasis on the adjective using a high-pitched voice.

Soon, she blankly stares at the ceiling and makes a face.

"It's Monday." The very second day of the week. Oh, how she dreads this day.

The girl lazily puts herself in a sitting position, holding her back because she just fell from her small bed.

She blinks and a loud yawn escapes from her full red lips before she softly slaps her cheeks to fully wake up.

To no avail, her eyes are still droopy and a frown makes a way to her face.

"Okay, plan B." She says and pinches her cheeks real hard making the poor skin pinkish than ever!

Of course she yelped but she soon smiles and stands up.

"Now, time to wake the pompous deer up." As soon as these words left her mouth, she goes out of her room and barges inside the one beside her.

"Hey Luhan wake up already and dress up for school!" Her booming voice echoed through the medium-sized bedroom of a guy, but boy, it seems like the latter still didn't hear it.

Slightly angry, she stomps her feet beside his bed and yanks his soccer-printed blanket off him.

To her utmost disappointment, he just turned around and hugged his white pillows.

"Oh, so you want to do this the hard way, huh," Jin mumbled to herself, before looking to the side and gets a view of her friend's soccer ball.

She went to get it and smirked. This lad over here throws it up and catches it for like three times before saying, "Okay."

And so, she sets the ball flying in the air with Luhan as its target.

"Ouch!" The poor guy yelped as the round thing hit his shoulder.

Jin blinked before she runs toward her best friend, quite worried because the impact was a bit hard.

"Hey, I'm so—" "Ouch!" This time, this girl was the one who made this sound.

It turns out that Luhan kicked her leg so Jin hops on one foot with her hands holding her leg.

"What is wrong with you?!" Jin bites her lip in pain and narrows her eyes on her "best friend."

"No, I should be the one asking you that." These were Luhan's first words.

"What is wrong with you?" he throws the question back at Jin.

"Absolutely nothing because I was just trying to wake you up, but you sleep like a pig!" She half-screamed, fuming, now her hands crossed on her chest.

"Well what a nice method to wake a person up!!"

"Don't you dare roll your—" Jin was cut as Luhan rolled his eyes and quickly says, "I just did."

"Let me finish you moron!" She yelled and huffed.

"Why do I always do a good thing to you but all I get in return are your kicks?" She massages her forehead with her fingers looking so problematic.

"You do know what I do to people who wake me up, right?" He raised his brow.

"And hitting someone with a ball isn't such a good thing. Are you dumb?" He added.

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