Chap 15: The Mystery Girl

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     April 27th, 2009, It was my 17th birthday, and I was going out to dinner with my parents, Mama Jonas, Papa Jonas. Then, Kevin, Joe. Frankie, Selena, Demi, Nick and I. A fancy restaurant in Los Angeles and I couldn't be happier with Nick and my friends.  It will be two years since we've known each other and fell in love. Nicholas is wonderful and I really don't know what I would do without him. 

  "What are you getting to eat?" He asked, not smiling. 

"Shrimp or chicken salad. Why aren't you smiling?" I ask. 

"Just an off day, I guess." 

I remembered of the notebook from our first date two years ago, which I take it out of my purse and wrote 'What are you having, baby?'. I slide it to him and he wrote something back to me. 

   'Chicken salad and you have the shrimp. We can share.' 


 'I love you.'

 'I love you too.' 

The girls had noticed us being silent and Demi asked "What are you two doing?" 

"We are talking, more like writing to each other." Nick tells her. 

Selena passed me a piece of paper, I read it:

  'Okay, we want to know what you guys are saying?'-- Selena

 'Is it funny?'--Demi. 

I quickly wrote back: 'Hold on'  and gave it back to Selena. The notebook I got back from Nick: 

  'What do you wanna do on saturday? What are they asking?' 

 'A movie?' 

I quickly gave Selena the notebook so Demi and her could see what's been going on. Their mouths dropped and she wrote on the paper they had written on. 

  'OMG! That is so sweet and very cute.' -Selena

  'Such a cute couple.'--Demi 

I wrote back to them: 'Yeah, I know. :)' 

She passed the notebook back to me and I handed it to Nick to answer my question. Joe and Kevin were slowly watching us and trying to get Demi's attention away from us. Nick handed me the notebook back; 

  'A movie sounds good. My place? Yours? Our second Anniversary is coming up soon.'

 'Your place. I know. I can't wait.' 

Dinner was great. Nicholas and I finally talked without the notebook, the girls in conversations with the guys and the food was great. 

The Next Morning: 

 I woke up in one of the bedroom at the rental house that were upstairs. Once I was downstairs, Nicholas was making breakfast and I sat down at the barstool watching him. 

"Good Morning, precious." He smiles as he hands me a plate. 

"Good Morning, babe." I started to eat. 

He sat next to me. After minutes of talking, Kevin came downstairs with the newspaper and showed us the article about Nicholas and I. It read: "Nick Jonas with an Infamous Girl". That means big problems. All of us headed out to a store that sold the teen magazines, the clerk girl wasn't very happy of me being there with the guys. Well, someone is snobby. Once home, we looked through all the magazines, and such enough there were articles of Nick and I. The words 'Mysterious Girl' kept appearing in ever so often and Nick was become angry by the minute. 

"One of these reports; 'a Brunette girl about 5 feet tall, with green sunglasses, and she's not famous. Please email us if know anything of this girl.'" Joe read from BOP Mag. 

"Well, I think we need to meet with the girls." Kevin insisted. 

A few hours later, Demi, Selena, Miley and Taylor showed up at the house. Taylor wasn't so happy, though she tried to listen. Miley was quiet. Demi gave full attention and Selena talked the most. 

"We have to get you two to disguise when out in public because if you do, they won't notice Laura." Selena brought the idea to us. 

"Yes, if we do that, no one will question us. Or no one will hurt her." Joe responds. 

"It has to work. Thanks Sel." I said smiling. 

"I think if that doesn't work, maybe breakup like other people do." Taylor stared at Joe. 

"Taylor, this isn't the time for that." Selena told her. 

"I think the disguise will work best for them. Don't you think, Demi?" Miley asks, watching me. 

"Yeah, I think so. Try that, you guys. It's better than nothing. And no breakups, Taylor." She huffed.  

"Good. We are settled here. Thanks girls." Kevin ended the meeting. 

Nick and I tried the disguise while walking down into town for some coffee and a date. A blonde wig for me and a ginger wig for Nick. No one recognized us for an hour, then we went into the Starbucks and ordered our drinks. It was so easy. After a while, we went down to the lake near by and sat on a bench. 

"I love you, Precious Pumpkin." 

"I love you too, babe. Wait, did you just call me, 'Precious Pumpkin'?" 

"Yeah, I thought of your new nickname while we were eating breakfast." 

"How did you come up with that name?" 

"I put a little of pumpkin spice in the eggs. And because you're too precious. Even for me." 

"Oh. Well, I guess that's okay." 

"I think these disguise are doing really well. Don't you think?"

"Yeah, it looks like it." 

He leaned down and our lips met. His hand held mine and we finally let go for breath. 

"Let's go, baby." 

We walked back home and none of them were in sight until I walked farer in, they jumped and screamed "Surprise!" 

"Oh my gosh! What is this?" I ask, 

"It's a surprise party for your birthday!" Selena said excitedly. 

"You didn't have to." I start to cry. 

"Baby, don't cry." He kissed my forehead. 

"I'm okay. Just shocked, that's all.." 

"Come on. Let's go have some fun." Demi says taking my hand and led me to another room. 

"Laura, we're your friends. We want you to be happy." Miley says, secretly rolling her eyes. 

"Yeah, Nick took you outside the house, so we could decorate the room." Selena hugs me with a smile. 

"I think ya'll are crazy enough to do this for me." I looked around the room. 

"We love ya and please it's something we don't do very often." Demi told me, laughing. 

"Did I tell you I love you?" Nick whispers in my ear. 

"Yes. A few times today. I love you." I lean against his body. 

"I love you too." He wraps his arm around my body. 

The party went on and after eleven, the girls went home and we slept in our rooms. I stayed with Nick because I didn't want to be alone. The dreams were all of my future with Nick...  

(A/N: This took forever because of the girls NOW, it's too much for me to write something from back in high school. The Real Book: Chaps 16, 17, 18 and 19 have been used for this version of the story. ) 

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