Chapter 1

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"Ouch, that had to hurt him!" I exclaimed to Josh. Josh was my big brother's best friend.

"And your winner is Evan James" "Whooooooo" I cheered for my big brother. He just glared at me in return. Then he stalked over to me and Josh. "Bro why did you bring her here?" He spat angrily at Josh

"Dude she used the puppy dog eyes on me man you know I can't resist 'em." He tried to explain himself. "Dani you know I told you not to come up here tonight. There are some really violent people coming here tonight!" Excuse me? Did I just hear him right? "Ev you know I can defend myself in a "violent" situation with "violent" people. Just because i'm short doesn't mean I can't!" I shrieked offended. He makes me sound like some weak little girl and trust me, i'm not.

"Whatever let's go before you get into any trouble." Evan said as he grabbed my hand. He's only 20 but he acts like he's freaking 30. "Well well well, if it isn't little Danielle Marie!" A screechy little voice said in a loud screech, which caused everyone in the arena to turn and look at us. I turned to face Evan as his grip on my hand tightened. "Let. Go" I said through clenched teeth. When he let go I went up to Ashley a.k.a The Annoying Bimbo, and got in her face.

"What do you want Ashley?!" I spat her name disgustedly. "I want to know why you have not let me claim what's mine?" She said with a sickly sweet smile. I looked at her for a minute before I bust out laughing dead in her face. "What the hell? Dude what makes you think that MY boyfriend is yours? You're so like... i don't know. Last year?" I questioned while still smiling in her face, then smirked when I heard everybody in the arena ohh.

Her face grew hot and she stormed through the crowd to leave. As she was leaving she turned back around. "This is not over Dani. I will find a way to take what's mine and I will go through anybody to do it. Including You." I smirked "Bring it on babe i'm ready for anything"

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When we got in the car I was scolded by my brother about how lucky I was that the guys that were supposed to show up didn't. "Evan I told you I can stick up for my-" Evan cut me off "Yeah yeah yeah I know you can stick up for yourself blah blah blah." And just like that we went back and fourth the whole way home. When I got home I went straight into my room after saying goodnight to my mother and Evan.

As I was in my room I examined my hair that came mid-back, green eyes and very short 4 foot 11 fame, that I got from my mom. But I was pretty average looking. I mean I wasn't drop dead gorgeous or any thing but I did think I was beautiful. Not to sound self centered or anything. After that I took a shower and fell in to a deep dreamless sleep ready for tomorrow!

First story ever.... Hope you guys like it. If not Please try not to be mean about it!

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