Like Jelsa and like the three like bears.

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Like Jelsa and like the three like bears

Like one like day Jack and like Elsa were bored, so like they wet for like a walk in like the woods. 

"Like hi Elsa!" Said like Jack.

"Like don't like bother like me! I'm like bored!" Said like Elsa.

"Like let's like go for like a walk in like the woods!" Jack like said.

"Like alright!" Like said Elsa.

So like they like went on like their like way.

"Like I'm hungry!" Said like Jack.

"But like you just like ate a whole cake, and like a pizza!" Said like Elsa.

"Like look! Like let's go like and take some like food!" Said like Jack while like he pointed to like a house. 

"Like okay! It like looks like nobody's like home like anyways! They will like never  know!" Said like Elsa.

So like the two of like them walked like up to the door and like knocked. But like nobody was like home. 

"Like told ya like that nobody was like home!" Like said like Elsa. 

So like Jack and Elsa like went in. "Look! Like food!" Like jack pointed. 

At the like table in the like kitchen, there were like three bowls of like tomato sauce! like Yum! 

"Like Join like me?" Asked like Jack.

"Like Nah, Im like tried, I like will just like go seat like down" Said like Elsa.

"Like Okay, Its like your lost! like more like for me!" Said like Jack and then he like sat at the like table. Jack like then tasted like the Tomato sauce from like big big like first like bowl.

"This like Tomato sauce is like too hot!" like Jack exclaimed.

So, like He tasted the like Tomato sauce like from the second like bowl.

"This like Tomato sauce like is too like cold!" Said like Jack.

So he like tasted the last like bowl of like tomato sauce.

"Ahhhhh, like This tomato sauce like is like just like right" said like Jack, so like he like ate it, then he ate like the other two like bowls as like well.


like snice like Elsa was tried so like went to like sit like down. So, she like walked into like the living room where like she saw three like chairs.  Elsa like sat in the first like chair.

"This like chair is too like big!" Like Elsa exclaimed.

So like she sat in the like second like chair.

"like This chair is like too big, like too"  she whined.

So like she tried like the last and smallest like chair.

"Ahhh, this chair is just right," she sighed. but like then she couldn't like get up, like she was like stuck. "Like Oh no" Elsa cried. so like she like tried to like move a little But it broke into pieces! "Like oh like good! I like thought I would like be stuck for like ever! like wonder who's like chair this was likes? like oh well! its like not my problem its like theirs!" Elsa like walked away.


After like eating like so much, like Jack Could barely like move, so like he went to like go like lie down.

He like lay down like in the first like bed, but it like was too like hard. Then he like lay in the second like bed, but it was like too soft. Then he like lay down in like the third bed like and it was just like right. Jack like fell asleep.


Elsa like was like bored like again, so like she started like cleaning like the house! "Ya like know like what? I like think I might just like live like here" said like Elsa. Elsa like then started like dancing around.


The like three bears came like back from their like walk.

"like Someone's been like eating my Sauce! and its like all like gone!," like growled the like Papa bear.

"Someone's like  been eating my like sauce too! and its like all gone as like well!," like said the like Mama bear.

"like Someone's been like eating my like sauce like too! and like they ate it all like up!" like cried the like Baby bear like.

"like Someone's been like sitting like in my chair," like growled the like Papa bear.

"like Someone's like been sitting like in my like chair," like said the like Mama bear.

"like Someone's been like sitting like in my like chair and like they've broken like it all like to pieces," like cried the like Baby bear.

like They decided like to look around like some more like and when they got upstairs like to the bedroom, like Papa bear like growled, "like Someone's been like sleeping in my like bed,"

"like Someone's been like sleeping like in my like bed, too" like said the like Mama bear

"Someone's like been like sleeping in like my bed and like he's still there! like lets like eat like him!" said like Baby bear.

 "like fine, but if like your going to like eat me, can you like make sure it like doesn't like hurt" Said like Jack in like his sleep

"Well you like heard the like man" Said like the baby like bear.

"like Shhh, like you know that like we don't like eat something like until we like know what it like is!" Said like the papa like bear.

"Ive like never like seen like something like this before" Whispered the like mama like bear.

"like yeah, like me either! like does it like even move?!" Whispered like the papa like bear.

"Like it had to like get like up here and like eat our like food and like sit in like our like chairs" like said the link baby like bear.

"Like yeah out like eats like a lot!" Elsa like whispered

"Like I like know! It like ate all of our like food" like whispered like the mama like bear,

"Let's like eat it!" Like said Elsa. 

"Like yeah" the papa like bear like said, then like the like all three bears like realized that Elsa was like there. So like they all like looks at like her in like shock. Then like Elsa looked at like them "who like wants the like first bite?" Like asked Elsa "like Ahhhhhhg like hhhhhh!!!!" Like all three like bears like  screamed and like ran and like jumped like out the like window. 

Like then like Jack like woke up. "Like what I like miss?!" Asked like Jack.

"Oh like the owners like came and like gave us like the house!" Elsa like said

"Like wow! Its like not even my birthday!" Like said like Jack.

So like Elsa and like Jack lived like happy like ever like after! Like until a like spaceship landed like on there like house.

Like the like end! 

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