Chapter One

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Beta-ed by @potatertot

Song Used in This Chapter : White Album by Ogiso Setsuna Version. 


A soft gentle tune was echoing throughout the hallway, breaking the silence of the night. No one was there except for a certain long, teal haired girl, playing the piano gracefully in one of the empty music rooms in the music department building. It was soothing like the calm sea breeze.

Aomine, who was about to head straight back home for that evening, stopped at his track at the school's main building entrance, turning his head right and left while searching for the sound he faintly heard earlier. 

'That's odd; there shouldn't be anyone around anymore at this hour,' He thought to himself as he turned to his left from the elevator towards the sound of the music. 

At the beginning, his steps were slow and cautious of anyone who intruded the school at this time of night but somehow his heart felt lighter and became less cautious as his steps and heartbeat began to quicken. He wanted to know the one who played such a beautiful tune. Then, he found himself staring at the sliding door in front of the music room where the gentle tune was heard, slowly sliding it open just enough for him to poke his head inside quietly. His eyes widened. 

The music room was dark but the moonlight shone down onto a certain beauty playing the piano. Her soft teal hair was draped along her small shoulder beautifully as her bangs framed her face elegantly. Her orbs were beautiful like the blue sky in the spring and her skin was nonetheless pale and smooth but there was something about it that made Aomine overtaken with this beauty. He then noticed the school uniform she was using; she was a second year just like him in the music department except he never saw her. 

'She's in the same department as I am... is she a new student?' 

The nameless pianist kept on playing the piano to her heart's content but there were no music sheets on top of the piano. She didn't even notice that Aomine was at the door, mesmerized by her beauty and her graceful piano play. The guitarist had never seen anyone that could bring so much life into the music. 

After a while, Aomine quickly hid behind in the music room next to it as he didn't want her to see him sneaking around watching her. When the sound of her light footsteps gradually disappeared, he walked towards the window as he noticed the bluenette leaving the school ground. Some part of him regretted for not gathering his courage to greet the nameless pianist. He felt disheartened for being a coward but nevertheless the tune that she played was... 

'Beautiful... just like her...' 

-Time Skip- 

For the past few days, the only thing that was occupying the navy blue guitarist/ vocalist was the nameless pianist he had found late in the evening in the music room a few days ago. Not only had he forgotten that he was supposed to attend classes and band practices for the next performance but he even forgot that someone was talking to him as his mind often drifted off to the mysterious beauty. 

"Hey, Satsuki, is there any uh... girl with blue-ish teal colored hair in our department?" 

Frozen Melody [Kuroko No Basket / AoKuro & AkaKuro] [Under Major Editing]Where stories live. Discover now