Score 9 ~ A Doctors' Passion

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Still in his office clothing, a soft huff was heard as the tall man sat back on his couch in his apartment living room, after throwing his blazer to the other side of the couch. He rubbed his nose bridge, his eyes were shut close. On the table there were a few files in different colors, along with his laptop bag and spectacles resting on the table.

The apartment was dimly lit with some lamps as he was too lazy to turn on the main lights. He was completely exhausted from the day rush hour. It was late evening, he finally got off his shift for the day, after a while of shut an eye moment, he lazily went to take a shower, and his bones were just too heavy to do anything else.

After a warm shower, he made a cup of coffee; he turned on the laptop as he flips over some files he brought home earlier. The mouse clicking silently breaks the silence in his bedroom, the only light that shines in the room were his table lamp and the laptop.

He flips opened the blue file and took out several pieces of papers, after searching for a certain folder that was kept in his laptop as well. His eye silently reads the information on his laptop as his right hand jolting down some notes on the blue file papers. After a while, he let out a heavy sigh after he puts down his pen, he rubbed his temples.

Years of research and still cannot find anything to help his patient. He shut his eyes again hiding that tired emerald orbs from the lights shines dimly in the room.


5 years ago.

"Doctor Midorima! There's an emergency!" a nurse came into his office late evening, the sound of the ambulance echoes throughout the hospital front porch.

A young girl was rushed into the ER after she was hit by a car that late evening; he assumed she was around 16 years old when she was brought in. Her little body was injured severely. It took over 5 hours to stitch all the wounds and cuts on her body and head. Such small body was fighting between life and death in those hours attached and oxygen mask covering her mouth and nose. Midorima and his other assistants were trying their best to get all the internal bleeding and what not to stop.

5 hours seems like hundreds years has passed by, after a while the ER was cleared, the girl has been admitted into the ICU, Midorima finally let out a sigh of relief after that operation was over. He knows that he has been going through this type of situation daily ever since he became a doctor but sometimes it takes a toll of him when he cannot save a patient life.

Later that morning,

"We couldn't contact anyone about her; apparently her parent is in the overseas, according to what we found out, her father won't be back until next month."

Midorima took a look at the file that nurse has passed to him, his eyes read through very single details on it after the nurse left.

"Kuroko Tetsuki, female, aged 17, reason for admitted into hospital- hit by a car after lose balance of herself while crossing the road…" Midorima mumbles then he suddenly stopped as he read again.

"Lose balance?" he thought. He quickly turned to his computer and starts clicking the mouse, his expression turned into a serious one.

A few days later, the girl woke up, under Midorima order; she went for an x-ray and some other few tests, until he heard a conversation between his patient and the nurse in the patient room.

The girl was in the hospital gown colored in pink, her body frame was small, her long blue hair was let lose, it passed her shoulder, her orbs were gentle just like the blue sky, no matter how you looked at her, she was very beautiful despite her pale complexion.

Frozen Melody [Kuroko No Basket / AoKuro & AkaKuro] [Under Major Editing]Where stories live. Discover now