Score 29 ~ Tetsuki

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Kagami stretched out his arms, every bone cracked upon the movement. He lets out a long yawn. The soft windy breeze feels good on his skin; he walks a little to the corner before sliding down against a wall as he lets his body fall onto the cold floor of the hospital roof.

I’m exhausted…

Slowly, his consciousness drifted off.

“Tai-chan, do you think one day I’ll be able to marry someone?”

The question popped out of nowhere, while her fingers gracefully dance on the piano keys. Kagami looked at her. He swallowed the heavy lump in his throat. He wants the best for his childhood friend but at the same time he wants her to keep living.

“Why do you ask?”

“Well…it’s because I have a time limit in my life, would I be able to find the one for me before I die?” she looked at him. Her blue orbs hoping for an answer.

He could not answer her.

He opens his eyes, as his scarlet met the blue sky above him. He puts an arm over his orbs, he lets out a year worth of sigh.

Why did I have that dream again?

“You shouldn’t sleep here, you could catch a cold” a voice spoke to him. Kagami furrowed at the voice.

“Himuro…what are you doing here, shouldn’t you be with Tetsu?” he got up using both of his hands, crossing his legs as he sits. Tatsuya eyed the man on the floor as he rested his right hand on his hip while he lets his left hand hang to the side.

“Aomine and the rest of GoM came for a visit; they’re with Tetsuki at the moment while the doctor does his daily check up on her”

Kagami frowned as his orbs bores into the floor in front of him. He took a deep breath as he stands up, making his way towards the door.

“Aomine wants to talk to you”

Kagami send a glare before cursing underneath his breath. He left the rooftop.


“Sure, she can go if she wants to, I’ll do another check up before you leave” the raven haired doctor voice was heard. The red haired guitarist raised an eyebrow.

Tetsu leave for where…?

“Where are you going?” Kagami voice attracted all orbs in the room. He looked like a tiger that has gotten its sleep disturbed.

“Kagamichii, we’re going to the beach!” the blond beamed his overly bright smile to the tiger.

Kagami furrowed then he shifted his gaze to his childhood friend. He noticed the button in front of her pajamas was not properly done. He made his way to her ignoring Aomine greets. Swiftly his hands buttoned the said thing properly as he lets out a soft sigh.

“You didn’t button it up properly…” he mumbles as he tucked strands of her blue locks behind her ears. The blunette looked at his orbs; she could see the sadness in those orbs that always flares.

Everyone else watched in awe at how Kagami handles her especially with Tetsuki being a female. Then he turns around.

“Well, mind explaining instead of being useless idiots here” he scowled as he took a seat on the chair next to the bed as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“Our next tour would be near a beach, we think it would be a good idea if we bring Tetsu along since it’s been ages we last went to a beach together “Aomine explained as he looks at the blunette.

Frozen Melody [Kuroko No Basket / AoKuro & AkaKuro] [Under Major Editing]Where stories live. Discover now