Project #2

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Scenario #1
Pisces POV:

Walking down the isles of Walmart, me and Cancer were forced to go buy snacks for Saggi's party. Why is she throwing a party for again?

"Let's go get chips." Cancer said, interrupting my thoughts.
"Ok." I simply replied, following my friend down the isle.
We rushed down various isles grabbing random snacks for the party, by the time we were done, the whole cart was filled with junk food and loads of candy. I guess that was Saggi's fault for giving us so much money.

We made our way to the check-out line, rushing so we can get to Saggi's party in time to help set up. But once we were in the front of the store, the check-out isles were deserted.
Then, out of the no where, we heard vicious sounds. Then two sets of arms grabbed both Cancer and I pushing us to the ground of the store, leaving the cart with all the food. No, my candy. I thought as they dragged us to the back of the store staying in plain site and on the ground.

"Hey, what gives?" I yelled when they let us go.

"Keep it down." A harsh voice whisper-shouted.
Cancer spoke up "Why should we?"
"Do you want to stay alive or not?"
Another voice spoke, but calmer. "Follow us if you do." He spoke again.
I gave Cancer a look that I hope would say 'should we?', she just shrugged and ran behind them, I let out a breath, that I didn't know I was holding and ran the way they did.

The hall led us back to a door that said 'employees only.' I opened the door and made my way to the corner where Cancer, the two guys from before, and three more people were sitting down at. In the opposite corner a fish tank. I stared off at the beautiful goldfish swimming with not a care in the world. Coming back to reality I heard speaking in hushed voices, mumbling words I didn't understand. Soon enough I spoke up,
"Why are we back here?" I asked suddenly.
Everyone stopped talking and moved their eyes toward me.

"Zombies." One of the guys that dragged us said with a harsh voice. Fear and shock were clearly written on my face, somehow finding it funny he smirked at me.
"Okay, who are you guys?" Cancer spoke up.

"Taurus." The other boy with brown hair that dragged us here said.

"Scorpio." Why is he still smirking at me? Glaring at him they continued.

"I'm Libra." A blonde girl said.
"Virgo." The guy in glasses said that was crouching down beside Libra.
"Aries." Said the red headed girl.

"Well I'm Pisces and that's Cancer." I said introducing ourselves to I guess our saviors, or something or else. Without them we'd be zombie food.

"Welcome to the apocalypse, have a nice stay." Aries spoke with sarcasm.

"You really think we'd believe the zombie apocalypse was happening?" Cancer laughed.

"Yes." They said together.
"How many times have I told you Cancer? Too many to count. I knew it would happen. I thought I'd be long gone by then but-" suddenly a hand was covering my mouth, stopping my ramblings. Looking up I see that's it's Scorpio.

"Shut up. Now help us barricade the door." He said letting me go. As quietly as possible we started moving the furniture to hold the door closed. Turning off the lights we sat in the corner of the room huddling together. I never thought this was how I would spend my time in a zombie apocalypse. I always thought I'd be one of the last survivors and killing zombies like nothing, not in a Walmart with Cancer and these strangers.

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