Chapter 9

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“Well, my name’s Danielle Payne and I live in Miami. We are here on vacation with my family. My husband, Liam Payne, and my 2 children. My daughter Alexandra and my son Symon. We are accused of causing a man’s death and for robbing an international painting.”

“What painting?”

“I don’t know!! I didn’t do it!! I have no idea.!! And I don’t even know much about paintings. We only went because my husband’s the one who’s into that.”

“What museum were you guys at?”

“The National British Museum…”

“What was the first encounter you had with Louis Tomlinson?”

“What do you mean by first encounter?”

“From what I know, you aren’t familiar with Mr. Tomlinson…”

“How do you guys know this?”

“I have my ways. I know plenty about you, your husband, your children, your son’s girlfriend and your daughter’s admirers. But we’re not talking about them. Now please answer my question.”

“Well when we got out of our car and walked into the museum, Louis was the first person Liam and I saw. My husband called out to him and Louis stuck with us the whole time. I thought Louis was a kind person.”

“Hmm…What are your children’s ages?”

“I thought you guys knew everything…”

“You’re right. I do. Symon Payne: 16 year old, currently dating a 14 year old named Gabrielle Eleazar or as her friends call her, Gabi Eleazar. Next, Alexandra Payne: 12 year old, single but has many admirers ranging from the ages of 11 to 15. Would you like me to continue Mrs. Payne?”

She was paler the pale.


“Okay then. Were your children ever 15 yards or more away from you while you guys were at the museum?”

“There were exhibits which were small rooms so yes I allowed Alex to go into other rooms at the time.”

“What about your son?”

“He’s 16!!! He doesn’t need my permission to go into another room!!!”

“But he does need permission to get a tattoo…Do you recall this?” I said pulling out an image of Symon and Gabi’s tattoos.

“I…I have no idea what that is!!”

“Remember you told me you would say nothing but the truth?”

“You’re right. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. That’s all for today. I might come later to interview the other 2 guys. My next stop is to go talk to your children”

“Please!! Make sure that they are okay and tell them that mommy loves them!!”

“Mommy? At their age?”

She looked at me with fire in her eyes.

“Yes Mommy…”

“I will…Don’t worry”

“Thank you.”

I turned and rolled my eyes without her seeing me. I walked out of the room and waited for officers to escort her out of the room. I told Liam and Louis that I might come later on today to talk to them. I asked the officer to not let Danielle have any sort of communication with the other suspects. I wanted to see who would lie. I didn’t want them to agree on one story.

I walk back towards the front of the building and see Zayn, Niall, and Harry waiting for me. I climb into the backseat of the car and tell them what information I was able to retrieve. As I finish, we arrive to the foster care home. I walk in first and give our whole identification routine. “Agents Maite Muniz, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan, and Harry Styles. CIA. We would like to talk to 2 children that were brought in maybe yesterday or a couple of days ago. Alexandra Payne and her Brother Symon Payne please.”

“Identification please?”

We each took out our I.D cards and our badges. “Okay. Follow me.”

We were taken through a hallway in which you could hear babies crying, and the laughter of older children. “Through here please.” Said the lady.

We follow her right behind until we reach a room from which you could hear crying. She knocks on the door and opens it for us. “They have done nothing but cry. Good luck trying to talk to them”

“Thanks” Niall says.

The first thing I notice of the room is that it’s painted blue. My favorite color. I go up to the crying teenagers and introduce myself. “Hi, my name is Maite Muniz and I work for the government as a CIA agent. I have been informed of your case and I am here to help you guys okay?”

“Ye-Yes” replies the girl

“No!! You guys are blaming my parents for something they didn’t do!!! If you guys really wanted to help us, you’d let them go!!!!” shouted the boy

“Calm down. Please. I don’t live here. I’m from Washington, DC. I had nothing to do with the arresting of your parents”

“But it’s your people who did this to us!!!”

I walk over to Zayn and softly tell him, Niall, and Harry to take the girl away while I talk to Symon. They go up to her and get her to come with them. I close the door behind them and get straight to business.

“Look. I’m an investigator. Not a detective or police officer. Either way, you calm down or I’ll have to take you down to Juvenile Hall.”

“I’m sorry, I just don’t feel well” he said sitting down

I take a seat next to him and say “I know. And that’s why I’m here. What’s your name?”

“Symon. Symon Payne.”

“Nice…How old are you?”

“16. How old are you? I mean, you look kind of young to be working for the CIA…”

“15. I got recruited when I was 8.”

“Really? Is it fun?”

“Yes it’s fun but I do it because at the end of the day I think about everything that we have accomplished”

“Wow. I’m actually impressed”


It sucks...I know...Dont judge!! 


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