December 21st, 2014

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Dear Nobody,

I'm just trying to survive. I feel absolutely drained.

Picture included: Grey's busted hands on my lap

Luna Rose

I make it short for a few reasons. One- I don't know what to write down that I haven't told Nobody yet. Nothing new has happened so I'd just be repeating myself which I really don't feel like doing. And Two- Danni is waiting for me downstairs so that we can go to the planetarium.

Putting the tiny note away under my bed, I grab my bag and join Danni downstairs in the parking lot. Just before I'm about to get into the car though, I realize the passenger seat is occupied by a second person in the car beside Danni. Slowly and curiously, I continue toward the car until I realize that the person in the passenger side of the car is a guy about our age and he's watching me through the review mirror on the side of the car.

I make eye contact with the boy for a strange moment before I look away and step even closer to the car and sit down in the back behind the guy.

"Hey, Luna," Danni eagerly greets me before I'm even completely in the car. "This is my boyfriend, Bailey. And this is my friend, Luna. I hope that it's okay that he's tagging along today."

"Why is this happening?" I wonder slowly.

"Well, because I wanted you guys to meet," She explains with a bright smile as I put my seatbelt on and she's pealing out of the parking lot as if she knows that I'm open to the idea of just jumping out of the car because I definitely don't like what's going on. I never wanted to meet her boyfriend. I have no idea what to say to the guy. "And Bailey really likes the planetarium."

"Yeah, it's nice to meet you, Luna," He says in his deep voice. He seems really nice but that doesn't make me feel any better about this situation. "Danielle has told me a lot about you."

"Who?" I wonder in confusion.

"He's talking about me," Danni tells me and then she turns and looks at Bailey, telling him, "She calls me Danni."

"That's not your name?"

"My name is Danielle," She says with a small laugh. "When we met, I introduced myself as Danielle but you just apparently heard Danni."

"It just sounds like Danni would be the nickname for Danielle," I explain to her with a small shrug.

"They're both two syllables," She reminds me, laughing again. "Anyway, how are things going with you and Grey?"

"Oh, we're fabulous," I assure her with sarcasm dripping from my voice. "He just got out of jail because he's a sociopath and was able to schmooze his way out of getting charged."

"Well, that's good, right? Not that you think that he's a sociopath but that he isn't getting charged," Danni tells me optimistically. "That way you can still see him."

"I feel like by 'see him' you actually mean 'date him'. If that's the case, then I was never seeing him. We're just friends," I tell her but I don't want to talk about me anymore and I realize that even though I don't like that Bailey is here, I can use him to divert the attention from me. "So, Bailey, you go to Fairmont, right? What's your major?"

"Yeah, I'm majoring in computer science," He responds.

"My little computer geek," Danni coos, gently nudging Bailey's shoulder and then holds his hand on the center console of the car between them. Like a real couple, which makes sense because they are a real couple. Which is disgusting but also understandable because Danni is pretty and she's nice and weirdly passionate so even though I think that relationships are completely useless and pathetic in general, I could understand why somebody would want to date Danni.

Sincerely Luna RoseWhere stories live. Discover now