One Year of Difference

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  • Dedicated to Casey Wilson

A/N: This is dedicated to my friend Casey, because he may or may not be the one who inspired the story. I figured since it was the only poem I refused to let him read, he might as well read it 2 years later...

She was a sophomore

He a freshman when they met.

He was sweeter than sugar on the tip of the tongue.

He was much more mature

And kinder than she could give him credit for, you see

She always lost her breath when

She looked at the eyes behind the glasses

She hated to see  him without.

To him her heart was golden, and her eyes

--Her eyes--pierced his much too far

And he knew she knew secrets she wouldn't

Dream to tell.

For a full year they talked

And both fell in love with the other.

Though--as Cupid is painted blind--

Neither discovered the other's secret

And their outright attempts

To hold Cupid's bow

Oft went all but unnoticed,

And they went their seperate ways for the summer

Expecting to forget.

But forget is nowhere near what occured.

And though he never did remember

The way she foolishly flirted

Batting her eyelashes,

Twisting her hair into rats' nests,

Laughing a fake falsetto laugh at everything he said,

Try as he might

He couldn't get out of his mind

The way she pored over her notebooks

Arm hooked behind her back playing with her hair,

Teeth biting at the edge of her lip,

Hand and pen whisking across the paper.

And though she never did remember

The way he foolishly flirted

Laughing at what he didn't think funny,

Acting too cool, like Danny Zuko

Sweet-talking other girls to make her jealous,

Try as she might

She just couldn't forget

The way he paid attention to the teacher

Dark hair curled around his glasses,

Mouth hanging in a half-open smile,

Backpack hanging half-off his shoulder about to slide off.

And still when they came back to school

Neither would admit

Their feelings for the other,

And the secret was so well-kept

That only his best friend,

Her sister

Knew anything about the two

And for her remaining two years in school

He remained in her mind

As the one she was too afraid

To even ask to dance.

She saw him with his dates for dances,

And watched him move through girlfriends,

And her longing to be with him

Grew and grew.

And for his next two years,

In tenth and elevnth grade,

She was always in his thoughts,

As the one he really wanted to ask out.

He watched her go to junior prom and senior ball

With boyfriend after boyfriend.

Tried to tell himself that even if he could get the courage

He'd be just another break-up

He didn't know

He was the reason

She could barely hold a relationship.

She was irritable

As was he

The day before her graduation

So fearful were they

Of never seeing each other again.

Fear became frustration

Which then became anger.

Terse words were exchanged.

She cried that night.

He threw a book through his window.

She got an apartment in New York City,

Attended NYU,

And for her freshman year in college

Ignored every guy that flirted,

Turned down every guy that asked,

Avoided all party invites.

He stayed home

In California

For his senior year in high school,

Took only friends to dances,

Didn't date at all,

Stood in the corner at parties.

Her sister finally broke

From the misery he gave off

And whispered to him a secret

Too-long kept

Too-well kept.

Her sister called her

Said she was coming for a visit

But the last day of school

He was the one at the airport.

She heard the knock,

And meandered to the door,

Nose still stuck in her book.

She opened the door

And looked up.


The book fell to the floor.

For a full minute they stood staring at each other.

Then he grabbed her arm

Pulled her to him

And kissed her

Full on the lips.

She grinned

And kissed him back.

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