What Do You Do?

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  • Dedicated to frustrated people

Life keeps throwing crazy curveballs,

Life keeps going round that track,

Every time I think I'm off The Road

I end up turning back,

Life keeps going round in circles,

Life keeps coming off its rails,

I always think I'm turned the right way

Just to find I failed,

When you've got no place to go

What were you supposed to know?

What do you do

When life doesn't go your way?

What are you supposed to say?

How do you get through

When everything's going wrong

Nothing's going right

You want off this ride

But it keeps stringing you along?

When your worst dreams start to come true

What do you do?

I've always taken it for the truth,

Life is hard and that's a fact,

Maybe I complained too much,

'Cause the god couldn't leave it at that,

For Aphrodite's playing with my heart,

Atlas left me the weight of the sky,

The Fates cut a few too many strings,

And I just want to curl up and cry,

And at the end of a bad week

How do I stand on two feet?

What do you do

When life doesn't go your way?

What are you supposed to say?

How do you get through

When everything's going wrong

Nothing's going right

You want off this ride

But it keeps stringing you along?

When your worst dreams start to come true

What do you do?

Sometimes the brain can't comprehend,

What it has to do,

You have to listen to something else,

And it will tell you to

Take every day in stride,

Let the wrong end, and the right start

Grab the reins of your own life,

And listen to your heart,

And one day when you look back,

The only questions left to ask,

Are what did I do

When life didn't go my way?

What did I say?

How did I get through?

When everything was going wrong

Nothing was going right

I held on for the ride

And let life string me along.

And when my worst dreams stopped coming true,

It was because I did what my heart told me to.

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