Chapter one

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Sonyadore's P.O.V

"Knight, John" I call out to the boys, who graze together in the field that we are positioned in. despite the whole mate situation they have become great mates; I suppose. Why not? They have known each other longer than I have known both of them out together. It's been a whole year since I was captured, I miss my herd, I do. But I know this is where I'm supposed to be, I'm with my true family; shifters. Also, I have my mates. Two of them!

"Hey babe, sup?" John asks in his, what seems always casual state.

"Hey Sonyadore, just been speaking with John about how it's been a whole year since you came here." Knight tells me calmly.

"Same. I was just thinking about how glad I am to have finally found another family. A family that understands me. A place where I can truly fit into, I have never felt this secure since my family was taken from me" I explain, going quiet afterwards.

"Sonyadore, are you okay?" Knight asks concerned, picking up on my sudden silence. I always go quiet when I mention what had happened to my family; but not now, not today; I want a happy, anniversary. And I have the perfect opportunity to do so.

"Yes, yes I am" I say sheepishly, raising up and clenching onto a low lying branch laced with snow; I release the branch and watch the boys get covered in the cold, white substance. I luckily, was in the perfect position to be free from the slush.

"What was that for?" Knight asks innocently, eyes large from the sudden event. It's even cuter with the snow lying on top of his poll, making him even more white haha.

John's response was a whiney, "It's s, so c, c, cold".

"Haha you're a manly man John. Poor babies" I tease. God I love winter, it always seems to cheer me up.

"So what should we do, head back to the stables or... RACE!" I whinny loudly as I gallop full pelt in the opposite direction, toward the back fence. The boys bolt up from behind, startled by my unpredicted movement. I reach my destination quickly and wait for the other two, to advance up to me. My eyes skim over the empty space, the vast fields of freedom. I glance at the fence that keeps us away from it and observe a part of the fence that is damaged; it's broken enough for us to easily step over, to be free again. Except we can't leave, John still has a family, and it's here on this property. I have to hurry up and come to terms that I am... a domestic horse.

"Okay, okay; you win. Just don't rub it in this time" Knight laughs as they continue their galloping to my location. I snap out of my consuming thoughts and pay attention to the two stallions proceeding in my direction, trying to beat the other in only a way two stallions could race.

"Are you okay?" John asks me concerned. Wow, he's asked me that two, to many times today. I wonder why he asked me tho. I only then let go of the breath I was holding unintentionally and how tense my whole body has gotten. What is wrong with me!? What is making me this anxious? Wait. Is it because I could easily step over the fence and leave? But I'm happy here; aren't i?

"Yeah, just thinking" I state bluntly; confused by why this is overwhelming me so much, I've been a domestic animal, well slash human for a year now. I should be used to it.

"So what will you do when we have to go back?" I ask John without making eye contact, trying to escape the consuming thoughts, by focussing on something else entirely.

"Well, I'll shift where no one can see me and walk you two back to the stables, groom you then exercise you" John says casually nodding his head at me at the last part.

"Well that was very descriptive" Knight says sarcastically.

"Well it answered her question didn't it?" John answers also sarcastic. It's funny when they bicker at each other, watching them lightens my mood slightly.

"Can we go back now?" I ask, suddenly feeling drained from the day.

"Sure, let's go" Knight answers calmly.

As we start to casually walk back towards the stables, John suddenly outbursts with "I got it!". I pitch my head in his direction to find his eyes on me, wide and full of eagerness of his sudden idea.

"What, what's a good idea?" I laugh when he doesn't elaborate.

"We should go on a trail ride into the forest. Us, Cecelia and Natalie." He continues, oblivious to the fact that he just, even suggested the idea of going somewhere with Cecelia, especially if it's supposed to be fun; she is the most stuck-up, self-centred, controlling...

"Cecelia!?" Knight blurted out; shocked by what he had enquired. Interrupting the words that were forming in my mind. I think that's good, because the next few words; would have definitely not been to nice.

"Yeah. You, Natalie on Cecelia and I on Sonyadore, it'll be fun" he states thinking that it's a good idea. Well it's not.

"Why Cecelia, she's so, self-absorbed and oh look at me, look at me." I state while prancing around like a show pony mocking her up-tightness.

"She has a pleasant and calm temperament to me; and besides, Natalie will choose her, she has a strong appeal to her recently. Probably because of her jumping skills." He contemplates.

"Yeah well your wrong john, she does not have a pleasant or calm temperament at all, she is... is urgh!" I answer confused as to why he is sticking up for her.

"Yeah well I've never actually talked to her before remember" John says stating a point, and he is right; he's never been in horse form around any of the horses that this property owns apart from Knight and I.

"He has a point" knight says looking at me, mocking my thoughts.

"Well that makes you lucky then" I laugh, though I'm being half serious.

John's P.O.V

We're on our way back to the stables, quietly walking; enjoying the peace. I wonder what Cecelia is like with other horses, obviously not kind hearted by the comments of Sonyadore and Knight, it's weird because she has a nice nature toward humans, oh well guess I'll never know.

"So where are we going for a ride?" Sonyadore asks, breaking the long held, but comfortable silence.

"Just out near the forest" I tell her; she nods her head in response, and then continues to look ahead of where she is walking.

I watch her walk, every stride as powerful as the other, with her head held high and strong; as if she were a Luna, alpha blood defiantly runs through her veins. Gosh she's so beautiful, a glistening midnight black coat, with a white star on her forehead along with her long beautiful mane and tail; and she's so strong, physically and mentally. What happened to her family let alone seeing it, then being wild for four years, then afterwards being taken away from her herd, and then later finding out she has two mates or that she's a shifter. That's got to have an impact on someone; if it has injured her, she doesn't show it.

Even her human side is flawlessly beautiful; she shifts sometimes when we come up here, don't worry, I bring her clothes to get changed into. She is tall with long black hair, tanned skin and deep, dark brown eyes; she is perfection, and she is mine.


So... here is it! The first chapter of the sequel is up!!

How was it?? Don't be afraid to be too honest; it only helps me improve my writing C:

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Love Bree

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