Chapter three

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I snort loudly and stamp my right front hoof solidly on the ground over and over again while throwing my head up and down to show my anger.

Why is he even considering this! He knows! He knows. Yet he is agreeing with this man. This human against his own kind. It's a low blow, but how dare he. A brood mare? I am NOT just some horse that can be used for foals. I am part of a rare shifter species, and should be treated like it!

"Leave" Simon blankly orders the human. Oh, he is lucky that there are horses here right now; otherwise I would have already shifted and started screaming at him and calling him all the names I could think and how he has lost all respect from me.

He reaches his hand forward while saying soothing words to try and calm me down; my eyes go wide; showing white and I quickly back-up into my stall, so quickly, I hit the back of the stall, but I don't care. Simon jerked his hand back with shock; then softened, realising that I probably hate him for what he said... And he's right.

"I know Sonyadore, but it has to be done" Simon whispers sadly, his eyes brimming with tears. Maybe this is a worst case scenario, because not once have I seen or even heard, of Simon coming close to tears. Yet here he is; tears streaming down his face, and his eyes; they are blank; filled with emptiness. But that doesn't justify the fact that he wants to sell me as a brood mare.

"Knight" I speak without taking my eyes off my chosen mate's father, my voice breaking. We cannot cry in horse form; if our emotions get so strong, we will shift without command so that our body can release the pain. I have to get out of here before my secret is exposed to all these horses. I don't care really; but some horses don't take it as easy as others, and may reject me. Some can never look past the human I have inside when I shift.

"Sonyadore, it's okay. The. The test's haven't even been taken away yet. Anything could happen. No. No actually, it's not okay. Why is he doing this?!" Knight starts off calmly, and then gets a little; no, a lot aggravated by what has happened in just a couple minutes. I could tell that at the start, he was trying to keep me calm. He must have realised that, whatever he says; it doesn't change the fact that I might be taken from my family in the next couple weeks. If I'm lucky.

"My blood is going to come back positive Knight. My horse half, from my grandmother; is pure bred Arabian. She was the fourth generation of pure blood. She's a show horse like her previous generations. Like what mother and I were supposed to be" I tell him quietly, trying to calm myself down at the same time by taking extra-deep breaths.

Each shifter has an ancestor of a full blooded horse or whichever animal you shift into. If a horse shifter breeds with a horse, then the offspring has an extremely high chance of being another shifter. My mother is the offspring of, as I said; a pure bred Arabian, full blooded horse. I am screwed if they find my grandmothers ranch. I have never met my grandmother. But I have heard many, grand stories about her, and that I am a spitting image of her grace and beauty. I wonder if she is still alive. Maybe I can meet her one day.

"Knight. If the owners of my grandmother get into this, then I'm gone. Gone from this ranch. Gone from my friends... Gone from my mate" I tell him quietly. I've worked myself up even more now, I have to get out; but how?

Before I have time to think about it and back out; I jump forward and rear up, coming down on the gate. When it doesn't, as I planned, break down; I try again. On the fourth kick, the gate burst open. All the while, I was ignoring Simon's demands to stop. Screw him and his human. You know what... screw this ranch; this isn't my home, my home is out there. In the bush. I am a shifter mustang and I refuse to become a brood mare. If I become a brood mare, I will most likely never see half my foals grow up; they'll probably be sold as soon as they are weened. Maybe even sooner.

I gallop out of that barn as fast as I could possibly go. I don't stop until i reach my favourite paddock. I stand in front of the fence and debate how to get in. I step back a bit, then cantered up to it and jump... It's a clear jump and I love the feeling of nothing but air underneath my hooves.

I continue to gallop until I hit the forest that pools into the paddock. That's why I love this paddock so much.

As soon as I shift, I let it all go. I break down and find myself a heaping, sobbing mess as I run through the bush in my naked, human form. I come to a stop in front of a small 'cliff' you could call it. It hunches down low and provides some privacy for me. I crawl into the small cave like breach. I curl up against the cool dirt of the wall, wrapping my arms around my knees and pulling them tightly to myself.

I don't have a particular reason for my melt down. It is many different factors that have been locked away for too long. They needed to be released. Of course the main reason for my pain is the feel of betrayal of Simon the hopelessness that follows.

I continue to cry and sob until I hear footsteps. I'm too upset to blush from being caught loudly crying. I don't even look up, but try to quieten down my dreadful sobbing. I heard the rustling of leaves close to me, and then briefly quieten down as I feel two masculine arms wrap themselves around my shivering body and pull it close.

Being naked doesn't bother me, I'm a shifter; we don't worry about that. I relax in the man's arms and recognise the scent straight away. I continue to sob and burrow deeper into the man's arms and bare body. Enjoying his calming presence and that he doesn't mind my tears covering his exposed chest. Before I know it, my cries die down to a little sob here and there. Then I feel the tug of sleep pull me into darkness.


Who do you reckon pulled her into their arms... Knight or John?

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