Chapter two

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*Sonyadore's P.O.V*

John wasn't joking about his plans for when we got back home. We're on the trail ride he organised at the moment. Natalie obviously knows that I'm a shifter and that John comes out to the paddock to shift with Knight and I sometimes; she even joins us now and then. But I'm pretty sure she prefers her human side over horse, the only down fall is that she can't communicate with us. I wish Cecelia wasn't here, so then we could have all shifted and went for gallop freely.

"How come Knights tagging along?" Natalie asks curious. She most likely already knows why anyway. She calls him Knight instead of White Knight because he had mentioned that he prefers the shorter version over the long to her once.

"Well, he and Natarlia are pretty close buddies. He also hasn't been exercised in a while" John answers casually, but still careful of his words around Cecelia; which is not always as easy as it may sound. The most annoying thing is probably, that he can't call me by my real name, instead he has to call me Natarlia which took a while for me to get used to. I sometimes didn't even acknowledge him when called me by the name because I forgot it was mine.

No, actually. That isn't the hardest part; the hardest part is having to act like being around him doesn't make my senses higher or that my body screams to shift and have him hold me in my arms. I have to act like he isn't my mate.

"So, why aren't you and Knight tight anymore?" she says, laughing slightly at her lame rhyming skills.

"What are you talking about Cecelia?" Knight says, more of a statement than question.

"Well... when you had first come here, you and Knight were inseparable; and now, you act like your brother and sister" she states rudely. Hmm, does she even have the capability to be kind?

"Maybe you just don't know what love is" I state, I would smirk if I was in my human form. Knight laughs at my words, then decides to join in on the conversation.

"Cecelia. Love is friendship. It may seem like we're 'brother and sister' in your words; but it is love. We love each other" Knight voices to Cecelia; causing her to go quiet. It even makes me go quiet... he was pretty much saying that he loves me and I love him and that we're mates, but it reminds me of what I have done to him. Even after a whole year, I still feel full of guilt on the subject.

*Knights P.O.V*

It still does sting a bit when the topic of Sonyadore and I's relationship come's up. Being rejected by your mate; your one true love... It's indescribable; the pain and insult even is like getting your heart ripped out of your chest. The main reason of our lives is to find our mate, our other half; but to find your mate, be rejected then have to see her everyday... with another. It's worse than death. But I love her, so of course I'm not mad at her; all I want is for her to be happy; and if that means that she is with another than so be it.

I take in her figure as she walks with tack and rider; she's so strong, so powerful. So beautiful.

"It's so peaceful out here isn't it" Sonyadore sighs in contentment.

"That it is" I reply, giving my own sigh of serenity.

John clicks Sonyadore up and we all start to trot at a nice even pace, then advance until we are at a slow canter; John, Sonyadore and I can't go any faster because I'm being led, but that doesn't mean it wasn't any less fun. I am surrounded by my friends; well, Cecelia and I are more like acquaintances.

We turn around and head back to the stables after an hour or so of venturing and working up a sweat in the summer heat. Once we get back to the stables we are untacked, washed down, and get given fresh water and food; which is some oats and a couple apples; thank you, I love apples!

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