Chapter four

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*Knights P.O.V*

What is happening!? They can't do that to her. She's half human; they can't do anything without her consent. Before I can explain this to Sonyadore, I hear I loud bang. What was that? I whip my head in the direction of the sound; which is coming from Sonyadore's stall.

She rears up and comes down on the side of the gate. She's trying to break free. She does this over and over again; ignoring the commands of Simon. Once she finally kicks the stall door down, she bolts out as fast as I have ever seen possible, in the restricted space of the stable. I start to freak out, not wondering what her plans are exactly. All I do know is that I have to get out of here and help her. She needs me.

I mimic her actions, and break down the door in just three blows; adrenaline pulsating through my veins. I charge out of the stable and follow the faint scent of my mate. We cannot smell out things like the shifter wolves etc. But we can hazily pick up on other horse shifters and a little stronger; our mates.

The faint scent leads me to a large paddock. I know this paddock; Sonyadore and I are sometimes put in here during the summer for extra shade from the forest that merges with the enclosure.

Her scent becomes stronger, and I realise she must be somewhere close. I continue to walk through the forest in my horse form. My ears pitch forward as I hear the faint sound of sobbing. Oh, thank god; I found her. But she's in pain, most likely not physical, but defiantly emotionally.

I shift into my human form; not caring that I am unclothed, for I am a shifter. I follow the crying until I come to a stop in front of a little cave like ledge. I crouch down low and see my pained, but beautiful mate. I know I was rejected, but that could never change how I feel about her; of course I still love my mate.

I start to crawl into the little, comforting space and lean in front of her. I wrap my strong, warm arms around her small shivering body and pull her close to my chest, while I lean back and rest on the dirt wall; letting her relax in the security and presence of my body.

Her warm tears dampen a patch of my bare chest; but I don't mind, of course I don't mind. Her cries slowly quieten down to rare sobs; then nothing as she drifts off to sleep in my arms.

*Sonyadore's P.O.V*

My eyes drift open as I feel my body start to sway. What is happening? My eyes fully open as I hear a low grunt. They come to rest on Knight; he has surely earned the title. He is my knight.

I look down, and see that I am no longer on the ground, but being raised in his arms. We are on the outside of my little sanctuary. My eyes still feel grungy from the, what felt like a life time of crying. I also feel so worn out still.

"How long was out?" I ask Knight, except it came out in a raspy breath.

"A couple hours at least" he replies softly, but kindly.

"Wait. Were you with me the whole time?" I ask, feeling bad if he was.

"I was, I found you and held you close until you fell asleep. Then I kept an eye on you. When it seemed you weren't waking up anytime soon, I decided that I'll carry you home... But you woke up" he tells me with a genuinely concerned/ kind hearted smile. He is kind hearted, why did I give him up? Whoa, I did not just say that! What? I am happy with my mate; I shouldn't say things like that. It's probably just the haziness from the stress induced sleep.

I allow him to keep me in his arms, securing my little figure until we reach the paddock's front fence line. He gently sets me down, then asks if I'm alright to stand. With a slight laugh at how caring he has been, I tell him I'm fine. But by the slight frown on his gorgeous face, he obviously thinks differently. There I go again with talking like I want to change my choice of mates. Don't worry, I don't want to... I think.

We decide to jump the fence of the paddock on the other side of the gravel road; seeming it's the quickest way back. We both shift and start towards home at a steady trot; enjoying being in our horse coats again. I stop trotting and stand still, waiting for Knight to do the same. Once he does, I start.

"Sonyadore. Is everything okay?"

"Knight. I just want to say thank you for everything. For being my friend. For helping me get through the breaking in period. For holding me close until I fall asleep... and more importantly; thank you for understanding my decision between you and John. I wouldn't have been able to get through half the things I have since being here, without you. You are my savour, my shoulder to cry on. You're my mate and my Knight." Did I just say that? Yes; yes, I did. And it felt wonderful, I meant every word of it. You don't think that would have been something John would be jealous over, do you? Well, he shouldn't; he knows that Knight and I are good friends. It's not like he's going to know I said that or anything anyways.

"Aww, too cute. Jokes, where's a good patch of grass to puke" I hear a female voice say. What!? Dammit, it's Cecelia; now she's ruined our moment. You know what? It doesn't even surprise me that she would do that. It's in her nature, she doesn't know how to be nice unless it involves flirting with the stallions. She doesn't even try to flirt with the gelding because they don't give her what she really wants...and I'm pretty sure you can guess what that is.

"Cecelia" I nod in greeting.

"Sonyadore" she greets in return; and I swear, if she was human, I would be able to hear the sneer in her voice.

"Hey Knight, we should go for a run together later on. Just the two of us" Cecelia flirts, trying to seduce him away; away from me is my main guess.

"Um, maybe not Cecelia. I'm sorry" Knight replies awkwardly. He's never had the heart to impolitely let some down.

"Oh, okay. Bye then" she tells Knight, ignoring me completely; which I don't mind in the slightest. She sulks off in a canter to another part of the paddock, as far away from us she can get I reckon.

"You do know that she won't stop pestering you like that until you set her straight, right? I ask/ tell him with a slight laugh that I can't help. I'm only warning him.

"Yeah, I do" he huffs loudly.

"You just can't do It, can you? Even to someone like her. There are certain times when there is such thing as too kind" I reply, starting to trot off, for home again.

"Ha, well maybe next time she asks, I'll make sure that she gets the hint I don't like her" he replies. Instead of trotting up to me and keeping at that pace, he gallops straight past me. Haha, he's always up for a game. I quickly jump into a thundering gallop and quickly catch up to him; not for long though, seeming that I sped straight past him. I throw my head up and whinny loudly in joy.

We dash up the hill, continuously pushing ourselves to beat the other. We then without saying anything both stop at the same time for a break. Our breathing heavy and harsh from the constant beat of our hooves on the dry paddock dirt.

"That. Never. Gets old" I force out as my lungs crave more air, speaking about the ability to run that fast. How was I so lucky to be given this gift?

"No. It doesn't" he puffs.

We stand for a few moments more, allowing ourselves to catch our breath before making our way back home at a steady walk.

As we reach the end of the hill, my eyes trail along the dirt and patches of grass until they land on the large shed, then the ranch house, and then the stables. The place that I was taken when to be quietened down when I first came here. The place that I have been homed in for the past year. The place where I found out that I was most likely getting sold. 


Well here it is, I hope you enjoyed it!!

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Love Bree

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2016 ⏰

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