Chapter 1

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Come Back For Me

<I> This is the first fanfic I've ever written! Thank you so so much for all the support you guys have given me! Love yew guys. Hope you enjoy the story! love, Amita(:</I>

Chapter 1

"Ugh mom! You KNOW I don't like mayo on my sandwich!"

I had no idea that those words would be the last words heard from my sister Kylie. She was arrogant in a way, but it didn't mean she deserved to die.

I still remember the scene perfectly; it was just yesterday. Mom's lavender candle was lit, the fruit bowl was flourished with new fruits we bought, dad was downstairs at work (he worked at home), and mom was frantically rushing around trying to find her keys. I remember that it was raining really, really hard too. Like God was getting over a break-up as Kylie would put it.

Kylie had to go to a tennis match in 10 minutes and she was still not even close to being finished with her sandwich. She was still ranting on about how there was mayo on her it.


Kylie silently sauntered out. I guess she forgot that she was giving us all the silent treatment because mom took her phone away for texting too much and not focusing on school. I guess that's what 14 year olds think about now... When I was 14 I was worried about grades. I'm 17, almost 18 now and I picked to go to UCLA in the fall.

"Nicole, remember to remind Dad to take his medicine. He's beginning to seem awfully forgetful lately", Mom countered.

"I will don't worry. Love you mom", I whispered as I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye hun. Love you too."

After they left, I cleared off Kylie's plate and made a sandwich for dad. I didn't add cheese because that would be bad for his cholesterol. I scampered downstairs with the sandwich and knocked on the door.

"Dad? Can I come in? I need to talk to you."

"Oh, come in my Nikki girl. What's up?" he asked.

I set the sandwich down next to his stack of 500 papers.

"Here's your sandwich. Are you feeling okay dad? Do you need to go to the doctors? Do you still take runs every morning? Are you stressed?" The questions came pouring out.

"Nikki, I'm feeling great! You don't need to worry about me! And no I haven't, I've been a little lazy lately. I'll start tomorrow. And I'm not stressed. Thanks for the sandwich Nicole. Where's the cheese?" Dad replied.

"Um we ran out", was all I said as I scurried up.

I was reaching for my cell to call Garret, my boyfriend of 5 months to straighten things out when the land phone rang. "I'LL GET IT DAD", I yelled.

I looked at the caller ID. It said St.Mercy's hospital boldly on the screen. I was really getting worried now. What was wrong with Dad?!

I picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Hello this is St.Mercy's hospital just south of Montgomery City, Alabama. Is this a member of the Davis family?"

"Y-y-yes", I stammered

"Well I have bad news. Kylie Davis and Riley Davis have been admitted into the hospital in critical condition."

I couldn't breathe. What had I just heard? Mom and the hospital?!

"They suffered a major car crash on an intersection. Riley was driving and two trucks collided into her. She ran a red light", the caller informed her.

"O-o-o-kay, t-than-nks", I stammered. I dropped the phone. Shaking and shocked, I sprinted downstairs. "DAD OMG MOM AND KYLIE ARE IN THE HOSPITAL AFTER AN APPARENT MAJOR CAR CRASH!"

When I saw the look on his face I knew I should've have prepared him to what he was about to hear. His face turned an ugly shade of white. Then he collapsed. Oh. My. God. Not my daddy too! I grabbed the receiver next to his desk and dialed 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"


"We'll be right there honey, it's okay, everything will be alright."

Oh no. Oh no. Everything won't be alright. My family. I have no one in this house. My brother Jake's in college all the way in London and my sister Caroline lives all the way in Maine with her husband. They can't come to Alabama.

This only happened in movies in stuff, right? All the people in your household except you don't get hospitalized all in the span of an hour, right?!

All of a sudden sirens were wailing in the background. I was trying to wake my dad. His breathing seemed heavy. My dad didn't have much time.

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