Chapter 7 - Annabeth

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Annabeth, Piper and Clarisse were showed to their new rooms. Since the exchange students were travelling undercover, they were to sleep and eat and have classes with everyone else. Those who had been sorted into Gryffindor, Clarisse, Annabeth, Piper and Thalia were to share with the newly sorted, like Rose Weasley, Olivia Wood and Kathleen Williams. Fortunately, the dormitory grew in size and added extra beds when more people were admitted, so seven girls could easily sleep there. They all changed into their night clothes and fell asleep soon after their heads hit the pillows.

"Did you befriend him? Do you where it is?" a somewhat familiar male voice spoke. A person with great feathery raven-black wings was in the air. He was dressed in jet-black silk robes and a hood covered his face. "Yes, Father. I've befriended him. But I don't think he knows where it is," replied a charming and demure feminine voice which so resembled syrup. The voice came from the other person opposite the man with glossy black wings. A hood on her robes also blocked her face from view, the shadow casted by the cowl not revealing a single feature. Her voice was familiar too. "Perhaps we should kidnap him," mused the one with raven-black wings, "His father would go after him for sure. Use him as bait, then force him to ransom." The female, who was sitting on some black skeletal horse, shook her head. "I'll not use him as bait. I forbid it," she replied. "But that's the only way I can think of, Latrixa. Unless you've a suggestion for me?" challenged the former. "Wait. Perhaps I can figure out how to get the cloak. Do you want the cloak, Father?" the latter, presumably Latrixa, asked. "Yes! But not yet. The stone and wand first. Those two are more risky and dangerous in enemy hands. And besides, we know where the cloak is. It is in safe hands. Let the cautious descendents of Ignotus care for it for now. Then, we request to have it back later on. What do you say, Latrixa?" the former, the one the latter called Father, asked. "So we ignore the cloak and search for the other two first," said Latrixa. "Precisely," confirmed the other. "Will you give me a cloak too? It might be useful for me. Disillusionment does not always go very well," Latrixa requested. The former chuckled, his voice mellow and soothing. "Here. I was planning to give it to you anyway," said the winged male, who produced a shimmery cloak which rippled like silver water woven together. "And -" the male's words were suddenly cut off abruptly. Annabeth felt herself float in the air, unsupported, before she felt like she was diving downward and appeared elsewhere.

This time, she appeared by a churning river. Three good-looking men in fancy antique armours and flashy swords were crossing a treacherous-looking river. Their wands were in their hands. A figure with raven-black wings and robes was standing opposite them. His hood was covering his features, and he looked like the former she had previously just encountered and eavesdropped upon. "These are thy Deathly Hallows," he pronounced, his words were older, like archaic and obsolete English. Annabeth looked closer. The first man had two wands in his hand, the second a gorgeous shining black stone, and the third a cloak similar to the one Annabeth had seen earlier, except this one had pictures of a triangle, with a circle and a line inside, all rich with the colours elderwood-brown, rich and deep silver-blue and glossy, smooth black the shade of the stone in the other's palms.
And the scene changed yet again.

The next place Annabeth was in was a courtyard. Dragons and many other legendary beasts were locked up there. There were humongous serpentine creatures with hard and reptilian scales and an eagle's head. Basilisks whose eyes were covered by a magical eye band to keep the men manning the area from being killed. All sorts of unnatural beasts. A tall and stern man was tapping his foot impatiently on the ground. Soon, what looked like a cross between a man and a wolf appeared. The man-wolf soon turned back into a tough looking guy caked with dirt and grime. "My orphans will fight with me," he said, his voice hoarse and rough. His eyes glinted with fury and malice. "They will pay for locking me up in Azkaban," he said, snarling like a wolf as he spoke. "Very good, Fenrir. And have you, Alphard and Antares managed to recruit more demigods?" asked the stern and sharp looking older guy. "Of course. Most want more power, more recognition. They will side with us, do not fear," said the one could Fenrir, "But has Carina reported to you yet, Alcor?" Alcor nodded. "Said that she got into Hufflepuff. The Rose Weasley girl is in Gryffindor, and the second Potter boy, Albus I think, is in Slytherin," replied Alcor. Annabeth could not miss the surprise on Fenrir's face. "A Potter in Slytherin huh? Never thought I'd ever see the day," Fenrir said, sounding shocked. "Carina also told me of the sorting hat's expressions toward the exchange students. And the Aldora Leto girl. Aldora can perform Occlumency against the hat, it appears so," Alcor said. Fenrir rose his eye brows in surprise. "She will make a good ally. So young, yet able to block her mind against such a magical object like the hat -," Fenrir thought aloud, before trailing off. "Oh yes, she would be useful indeed to our cause. She will help us wield her magical abilities to strike a surprise attack at the vampires, and then we'll plan to set something off between the Greek and Roman demigods, followed by an interesting war against the wizards. And after all that, we will strike up against the gods who have forsaken us, and claim their powers for our own," planned Alcor meticulously. Suddenly, he halted. "I sense an unprovoked and forbidden presence here," said Alcor. "Here? In America? That's impossible!" said Fenrir. Alcor looked around and abruptly swiped at Annabeth. She ducked, and found herself jolted back into the body of the living.

Annabeth lay awake, considering what she had heard. So a girl called Carina in Hufflepuff was spying on them. A guy named Alcor had sided with a werewolf Fenrir, who worked with an Alphard and Antares to recruit demigods to claim the gods' powers for their own. They were planning to cause a rift between the Greeks and Romans, and were currently hiding in America. Fenrir had been locked up in Azkaban for a while, they wanted to attack witches and wizards for some reasons unknown to Annabeth, and their first strike was to be against the vampires, who were potential allies with them. They had caged monsters, demigods and werewolves at their beck and call. Oh, and they seemed to have an interest in the Weasley and Potter clan. Was that all? Then, Annabeth remembered her first two dreams. The familiar winged guy, the familiar voices, the Deathly Hallows, three objects. And the winged guy had said he was looking for a wand, a stone and wanted the cloak from Ignotus's descendents who were currently in possession of it. Why did the winged guy want his 'Deathly Hallows' back? Who was the first girl he had called Latrixa and why had she called him Father? Did they truly share a father daughter bond by blood? Why were they so very familiar? And there was one more thing... Annabeth had to persuade the girl Aldora to join her side before she was recruited to the other side. One thing that Alcor had said was true. If she were really as powerful as they had made out, then she would indeed be a useful ally. Annabeth had to share her dreams with the other demigods and bear their opinion on the matter.

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