Chapter 4 - Albus

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It was too crowded in James and his friends' shared carriage. In the end, Albus and Rose both decided that a change of plans was on order. They were planning on trying the next carriage, but that carriage was filled with tall twelve-year-olds who were all enjoying themselves together with the exception of one beautiful blonde girl who was reading a text book, that act reminding Albus of Rose, an extraordinarily beautiful girl who was soundly sleeping against the shoulder of a muscular blonde guy, and one who was, oddly, sharpening a dagger with a stone. Albus wondered which house they were in.

Then, after a long walk, the last carriage was mercifully empty except for one hooded figure in a black cloak...but a tall eleven year old, with sleek blonde hair, was standing outside too. "Err... This your carriage, Malfoy?" Albus asked. He knew who the boy was since his uncle had bad mouthed the boy's father on the platform earlier. "No. Just, my first was too filled and noisy for my liking, so I went along looking for another quieter one," Malfoy replied. "Should we go in?" asked Albus. Rose was staring doubtfully at the cloaked person inside. A silver lime trunk and a cage was on the rack. The trunk spelt the words 'A. B. Leto' in golden blocks. The cage held a beautiful golden owl with stunning amber-gold eyes.

"Erm...Well, why not?" asked Malfoy defensively, before shoving open the carriage door and entering. He sat himself down on a seat a little way away from the hooded figure and gestured for the other two waiting outside to come in.

"Did your father not teach you that not knocking before entering is not exhibiting good upbringing, Scorpius Malfoy?" asked a feminine voice which sounded highly amused.

The figure pulled down her hood to reveal long dark hair which cascaded down her straight back, and naturally tanned golden skin. Her sharp eyes were beautifully crafted to an icy-blue hue, which were cold and calm as of then, and her red lips were perfectly sculptured. She had finely chiselled aristocratic good looks, defined high cheekbones, and a pointed chin which somewhat resembled Malfoy's. Her beauty rendered Albus and Rose both speechless for a moment, before they both began to recover from their shocks in their seats of the carriage.

A jerk caused the carriage door to slide close, and Albus turned to lock it quickly. "I didn't know you were awake! And besides -" Malfoy trailed off, staring in shock at the gorgeous girl before him, "I recognise you! We have met before, have we not?" he asked. "No. It's a great pleasure to meet you, Scorpius," said the girl, extending a hand to him. Her hand was unblemished and golden too. "I'm Aldora Leto," she said, shaking with Scorpius. "Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy. A great pleasure for me too," Scorpius replied.

"So why come to my humble carriage, Scorpius?" Aldora asked. "It was too noisy in the Slytherin carriage. Why are you alone here?" Scorpius asked.

"I've noticed. And I'm here to have some peace and quiet," Aldora replied firmly.

"Blood status?" asked Scorpius.

"Pure blood," Aldora replied.

"I don't recognise the surname, though. Where did you get it from?" Scorpius asked.

"That's my father's surname. He is multinational, travels the world, and has many different nationalities - all wizarding blood, of course," Aldora replied, unflustered by the endless x-ray screening of Scorpius.

"And your mother?" queried Scorpius.

"I don't know her. She's dead, but I think she came from the Black family," Aldora said. "Oh well, nice to meet you again," said Scorpius. "At least I can tell my parents I have a pure blood friend now. They said I had to have at least one pure blooded friend, you know," said Scorpius.

"Aldora Leto,"said the beautiful girl, extending a golden hand at Rose. Rose took her hand warily and shook it too. "Rose Weasley," she said. Then, she turned to Albus and extended a hand. Albus shook it. "Albus Severus Potter. Great to meet you," Albus said quickly.

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