What Do I Do?

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Wake up...

Wake up...

Wake up already...

"Yah! Hwang Miyoung, Kim Taeyeon, wake up already!"

Tiffany snapped her eyes open to see Jessica shaking her and Taeyeon awake.

"You look like a mess! Untangled yourselves and fix your hair. We're going to be landing in half an hour. Sheesh, you're supposed to be the one waking ME up." Jessica chuckled and returned to her seat.

Tiffany looked down and began laughing at the confused kid trying to sit up. After sleeping soundly for three hours, the two had formed a human pretzel and both of them were stuck. Taeyeon kept trying to sit up but her right arm stuck behind Tiffany's back and let her left hand was tucked under Tiffany's right knee.

"Ehh, Tiffany, get off. I can't feel my leg."

"We have half an hour until the plane lands. Five more minutes..."

"At least sit up so i can get out of this pretzel."

Tiffany manage to lean forward and allowed Taeyeon to shift her feet back on the floor. Taeyeon's face had returned to its normal color and she was talking to Tiffany again.

"I'm going to fix my hair."

Tiffany made her way to the washroom as Taeyeon pulled herself into a sitting position. For some odd reason, the soreness in her body had disappeared after a couple of hours sleeping in the weirdest position. Sooyoung stooped in the aisle next to Taeyeon.

"You passed out,didn't you? Hahaha."

"All this stress over her lately is wearing me down. On top of that, the I Got A Boy performances are killing me. I should go to gym more often."

Seohyun overheard the conversation and suggested while passing by, "Eat healthier, Taeyeon. That helps too."

"Taeyeon try to calm down a little. It's not like she can hear your thoughts or anything." Sooyoung joked.

"Well, she overheard our conversation a couple hours ago."

"It's not like she knows what's going on."

"But she's suspicious."

"Who isn't?"

"I'm just not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing that shes's starting to pick up hints."

Seohyun passed by again and added, "Unnie, just let things take their natural paths."

Taeyeon looked at Sooyoung, puzzled.

"Has she been spying on me?"

"Haha, that's not funny. You think we have to watch you to notice these things."

"I make it obvious?"

Sunny passed by while laughing, Tae, even our fans know it."

Hyoyeon tipped her head forward from the row behind and said, "Seriously, just Google 'TaeNy', You have a fraction of the world making videos, fanfiction, pictures, and even banners of you two."

Sooyoung added, "The shippers are called Locksmiths. And apparently I'm the captain of this ship. I used to wonder why, but now I think I figured it out, Hahaha."

Seohyun sat down in the section of the seats next to Taeyeon and said, "Remember to be more careful in public. Our manager wants to keep the fans based on the group as a whole, It might caused problems for him if half of our fans are TaeNy shippers."

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