The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(36)

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Please enjoy and comment-- OH AND, remember when I was like BANNER CONTEST, well I fianlly decided who won that but before I tell you guys I need to do the thingy and yeah so--- :D Soon.  I swear.
ALso, my wrists hurt but I called my doctor and he was like all like upthis and that take this to reduce swelling and i wrote most of this on a tablet which is what kept me going. for some reason typing on a tablet doesnt hurt as much. whatever.
comments to help my pain would be nice ;D GUILGUILTGUILT!!!!!! :P 

I wasn't surprised to find Devon mingling with every guy that looked twice at her, which was a lot. It was always like this, every party I had attended, granted it wasn't many, but a lot of the stories I'd heard revolved around her being the party girl. I wasn't worried though, she had a boyfriend, and flirting was all it would be like usual. All I had to do was make sure she didn't drink her weight in alcohol and do something I knew she would regret. She was in Florida, states away from any judging person... the thought crossed my mind.

I was hanging out in the loud living room, with a bunch of the guys from the team. I told them immediately that I wouldn't be partaking in there drinking activities because I was the designated driver, Ryan tried to convince me that Devon and I could crash in one of his spare bedrooms but I told him no. My mom was expecting her car back, I couldn't just leave it here over night.

Ryan's house was bigger than I expected it to be, and I knew that the size was the reason it was hosted here. Cars lined his long winding driveway, and as a precaution I parked my car on the street, I'd heard of kids getting blocked in driveways when parties got crashed by the police and didn't want to be that kid. Easy getaway, but a long walk. Devon complained that she wasn't wearing the right shoes for a hike, but as I watched her now she was barefoot giggling with a group of guys, all of them had a red held high in their hands.

I don't judge people for how they chose to spend their Friday nights, I try not judging people for anything, but it was hard making small talk to drunk people you hardly knew when you were the only sober one. I didn't want any of these kids driving home, but I didn't know if there was anything I could do.

The music was thumping from large speakers placed around the house, in most of the large rooms. The stairs that lead to the bedrooms were closed off my a locked door, and anyone who complained were told to take that to a backseat. At least that wasn't happening here. I tried not to cling to the wall, and be invisible but it didn't take much effort, the boys weren't letting me out of there sights because they wanted to make sure I had fun.

The only big problem I was encountering was Mikie. I had known for about a week now that he had feelings for me, and I hadn't done anything about it. He must of thought I was so innocent I couldn't tel when someone was coming on to me, but really I just wasn't interested in him like that. He was so nice, he was such a funny friend and I enjoyed spending time with him on the field and during school, but I had no interest in dating him. This had been my problem for a few days now, because he kept asking if I was going to the party and when I was going to be there.

The problem now was he was drunk, we had been at this party for less than forty minutes and he was acting completely drunk. I didn't really know how to handle the way he hung on to me, or the smell of the hard liquor in his breath. The boys laughed at his drunken state, and my horrified expression, without him even realizing it. What was I supposed to do?

"Hey Babe, I'm going to go get something to drink, you want something?" That was the third time he went to go mix himself a drink, and also the third time i had told him no. I just stared incredulously at him as he rolled his glassy eyes at me, slithered his arm away from my shoulders and sauntered away towards the kitchen unaffected by my silence. I was thankful that his arm wasn't around me anymore, I didn't know how much more weight I could take with him leaning on me.

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