chapter 12

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A couple of months later

The last couple of months mum had been training me to use my magic. I mostly use it for pranks on Libby and Taylor.

Unfortunately school starts tomorrow. The only good thing about being the new kid is that I already have friends. Amanda, Zoey, Chloe and I have our little group. Of course, Taylor is the head cheerleader aka the most popular girl in school. I know how to handle my magic and control my anger thanks to mum's stories about her old experiences. I mean, turning libby into a pineapple, smooth move mum.

Beep beep beep

Ughh shut the hell up. If I were a witch I'd go back in time, and disinvent the alarm clock. Oh wait.. I AM a witch. Hmm.. that's not a bad idea. I could use one of those Harry potter spells on the inventor of alam clocks and BOOM No more.

"Avril? Why are you cackling?!?"

Ooops, I should really stop cackling out loud.

"Nothing mum. Go back to sleep."

"Okay first, don't even think about using magic to murder some guy for your own comfort." Woah, that's freaky. How did she know? "And two. Wake up honey it's time for school." Why is she so cheerful today.

I groaned and dragged my feet to the bathroom.

"Good girl."


great I just missed my bus. What a great start. Now i have to zap my self to school. And risk going to Japan.

Well, here goes. I closedy eyes and pointed at my self. I felt the background change. After a few seconds I opened my eyes to find my self infront of the school building.

Wooow I rock.

"Oh hey Avril. You're right on time, Chloe and Zoey are waiting for us inside. I just texted them." With that we entered hell.

"... and that, my dear students, is how frogs reproduce." Mr pool ended his 2 hour lecture. I mean, who the heck teaches reproduction in the first day. Apparently ol' man Pool does.

"Ahhh I'm so glad I ain't a frog." That's Zoey for you. Always the jokster. Unlike her twin Chloe, who is a total nerd. Not in a bad way though.

"Yeah, but you sure do act like one. I mean have you guys seen her room?!"

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?"

Amanda and I wached as the twins continued bickering.

5 minutes later Mr Pool came to the rescue.

"Hey hey girls! What's all the fuss about?"

"Sorry Mr Pool." They both apologized

I guess Mr Pool caught me chuckling because he told me to stay in the class for a bit.

"Later avril." Amanda yelled and dashed with Zoey and Chloe. Sometimes i really hate my friends.

"Miss Kinkle, please come over here."

"Um yes sir." I sounded abit nervous.

"Don't wory avril, you're not in trouble."

"Oh wooh! That's a relief."

"I just wanted to talk to you about your parents." Oh no not again. "Your mum sabrina, um.. she is your mum right?"


"Well, as I was saying, your mum was one if my best students. I hope you take after her footsteps."

Pshh yeah right. Me? A star student? An A+ student? a teacher's pet? a biology geek? of course not.

"Err yeah sure Mr Pool."

Well that's all. You can go now.


Avril, the Teenage witchWhere stories live. Discover now