Slowly Fighting

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Finally what alot of girls wait for in their life... A breaking point whether you punch, kiss, hate, yell, love or just want to simply kill someone you always have a breaking point. Like Angel... Let's check it out..

I looked up at Brody, Buff-boy, and looked him straight in the eyes. I walked up to him closer to where we were almost touching chest to chest. His girlfriend was bouncing up and down in excitement in one corner of my eye and in the other was Devin and Kevin coming towards us. A group of people had already formed and cops were no where to be seen.

People were betting on Brody that he would hurt me, but from my perspective it looked like he might run and hide to cry. He was scared and he wouldn't move. I moved in closer to him " Either you make your way and let everyone laugh at you and be on your way and leave me alone or I will hurt you..." he stiffened and forced out a laugh and grumbled where everyone could hear


He placed his hand on my shoulder and all of a sudden I don't know where my sudden strength came from but I took his hand on my shoulder and right when Devin and Kevin made their way through the crowd they saw what I did. I threw the big boy over my shoulder and punched him across his jawline making him spit.

Devin and Kevin looked at me with shocked eyes and I looked at them.
They think I'm a monster now... I'm a monster. A monster.

I looked at them and ran away from them out of the crowd, out of the mall, out of... Of... Of... I fell to the ground on my knees scrapping them from the shorts I was wearing not having protection from jeans that I did not have on. I started to cry next to Kevins car forgetting I didn't have his keys and started to rock back and forth.

I looked back at the mall cause I heard my name. "ANGEL! ANGEL!!"
Devin. And Kevin. I got up and fumbled a bit, but I caught my step.
I ran away from Kevins car and from Kevin and Devin. I ran. I ran as fast as I ever could and probably ever will. I heard my name being yelled and to stop, but I kept running. I ran on to the road and cars honked and people yelled at me. I looked left then right. My apartment that's where I need to go.

I checked my pockets wallet, phone, tag, key.. KEY! I took the key out and it had F5 on it. My apartment number. I put it back in my pocket and ran onto the other side of the road onto the sidewalk. I ran till my legs gave out and I didn't look back. I saw a car coming and I waved for them to stop. I jumped in front of the car and they stopped after hitting my ribs first, barely, but it still hurt . A lady in a pink skirt and a white blouse came out. She looked in her mid 60s.

"Are you oka' babi'? You oka'?"
"Yes I - I am fine I need a ride.. To. My. Apartment please. "
She nodded her head and let me in the passenger seat. I sat down in the air conditioning car and put my seat belt on. I hunched over in the seat holding my rib while blood trickled down my legs. I looked at the woman who kept giving me glances of worry before stopping at a red light. She pulled her pink flip phone out.

"Wha.. What are you doing lady? "
She looked at me and started to push in some numbers.
I heard a voice over from the other side of the voice. English. I didn't understand it cause I could barely hear it.
The woman who called and was sitting in the car driving started to speak some language that I'm going to guess was Spanish. The woman looked at me and then said in English " Oka' be-be thank you."

She pulled off onto another road away from the road that goes straight to my apartment.
"Miss.. Ahhh.... What.. Where are we going..? "
She turned into a hospital and then I blacked out as a excruciating pain took me over. The last thing I remember was hearing the lady speaking into my phone

" Devan? Girl I have girl. She hurt. I take to hospital. Red Cross. Be-be! "

I woke up to a white light shining in my eyes.. Wait no I was dreaming. I was standing and my Wings were fully erected to their 14 in. length. I flapped them to see they lifted me up a bit. I smiled and laughed and spun around letting my robe float around me. I looked in front of me.
"Daddy? "
" Yes Angel. Daddy is here. "

I ran up to the man that people call God and swung my arms around his neck hugging him. He hugged me back and placed me down with both of his muscular hands on my little fragile shoulders." My Angel. You cannot die. I will not let you. You need to stay alive. I have a quest for you, but I can not tell of the mission you will soon know what it is. I love you Angel. Go back into the realm I made. "

I screamed and thrashed around, but a strong force was holding me down. I heard my name being said over my yelling. And then I was gone.


I woke up again, this time in the realm that He made. I opened my eyes slightly to get used to the white light in my eyes. I looked down at my arm. I had wires and needles in my arms and bandages wrapped around my chest blotched with red and brown spots. I looked to my left toward the window and the chairs and in one chair was Kevin asleep with papers and pens and pencils around him. His hair color was a purple color.

On the floor and in the room was balloons, stuffed animals, and cards. I looked to my right and saw Devin holding my other hand with his forehead against it sitting in a chair. I moved my fingers on my right hand against Devins forehead to wake him up. He lifted his head and looked at me with puffy red eyes. He had been crying.

"Angel? Are you okay? Do you need some water? "
At the sound of water I noticed how parch my throat was and I nodded.
He picked up a little Styrofoam cup and lifted it to my lips and I greedily sipped the water. He took it away and sat it back on the table. I growled wanting the rest of it. He looked at me and took my hand in his.

"Angel we thought you were dead. Why did you run?! Angel tell me why did you run?!!"
I moaned out a squeak in my throat and opened my mouth to speak, but couldn't. I looked at him with pain and guilt in my eyes. I opened my mouth to speak again and words finally came out " I was scared to think that ya'll thought I was a monster... I'm sorry Devin."

He looked at me a laid his forehead onto my head again and then kissed the back of my hand before lifting his head back up to me and said " Kevin stayed overnight and called me this morning. He said that the doctors told him that you were dead but still alive some how inside and kept you longer. They knew you came back to life cause you started to thrash around yelling out daddy..."

I looked at him and remembered my dream.... I have a quest for you... I looked up at Devin and thought of telling him my dream but Kevin shifted in his seat and I looked over and sat up in the hospital bed. He looked at me with his chin in his hand being propped up with his elbow.

"It's okay Angel I heard what you said"
He stood up and walked towards the hospital bed and kissed my forehead making Devin growl in his throat. I squeezed Devins hand. I looked up at Kevin and his sparkly purple hair and smiled a small smile. He rubbed my head getting my hair outta my face. He smiled back " Angel we don't think your a monster. It's just we didn't think you had it in you to do that. We were shocked and a little disappointed to not be able to protect you ourselves."

I looked up at him and the door to my room opened. A doctor with light brown hair and gray eyes looked at me and then motioned Devin and Kevin out of the way. A nurse came in with a tray of needles and a bag of liquid. I looked at the nurse with wide eyes. My eye sight flickered and I saw a demon and then it went back to normal to seeing a nurse. I screamed and the doctor yelled out some orders to hold me down.


The nurse looked at me and smirked and winked. She put a needle in my arm and I blacked out. May God protect us all... May my father protect us all...

Hope you liked the cliffhanger. If I'm going to fast please tell me.. I'm going to fast huh... Well pelt me with some comments and feedback about this chapter!!! *raises protective shield *

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