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I woke up to the smell of smoke. Jumping out of my bed and running into the kitchen of the small apartment were me and my dad lived. Looking around for the source of the smell my eyes fell on Jake my best friend standing over a frying pan with black smoke billowing out of it.

"What the heck Jake!" I shout at him.

"Sorry," he mumbled. "I was just trying to make some breakfast."

"Thanks but I thought we agreed that you would never try to cook again after the brownie incident." His head droped as his shaggy light brown hair fell into his hazel brown eyes set above a thin nose. He was a few inches taller than me probably around 5'9" and his skin was tan. He was pretty cute but he didn't have many friends due to the fact he was painfully shy around people he didn't know.

"But it was just eggs i thought I couldn't screw that up!" He said his voice breaking at the end like it did when he was nervous. Probably a side affect of being a 15 ,almost 16, year old boy.

"Well just clean it up and open a window I can hardly breath in here. Its a good thing that we are meeting my dad at Rudie's for breakfast after his shift is over."

"He had a graveyard shift at the police station again?"

" Ya," I said over my shoulder as I walked across the living room into the bathroom.

I look in the mirror at my self. My dirty blond hair is up in a messy bun, I have no makeup on the dark rings under my sapphire blue eyes and I'm wearing my big acdc sleep shirt. I look pretty ratchet. I take my hair down and brush all the knots out before turning on the shower and getting in. As the warm water pours out on me I get lost in my thoughts.

After a while I hear banging on the door and Jake shouting something I couldn't make out
"What did you say!" I yell sticking my head out around the curten of the shower.

The door opens and Jake pokes his head in" I said hurry up you've been in there for like an hour!"

"Sorry I'm coming out now." I hear the door shut and turn of the shower grabbing my towel and drying my hair then draping it around my self. I open the door and see Jake sitting on the couch watching Netflix I cross over to my room and shut the door.

My room is tidy my twin bed is shoved into the far corner from my door below the window that looks out on the little town I call home. My desk pushed up against the wall across from the foot of my bed . My tiny closet is on the same wall my door is on. I walk over to my closet and pull out my favorite ripped light wash jeans, a black tee shirt and a red flannel that I tie around my waist. I get changed throwing my towel on to my desk and I hear something fall on to the floor. Walking over I saw it was my picture fame. I picked it up and looked at the picture of my mom and brother even though I had looked at it a thousand time I still get a little depressed seeing them. My brother, Mikey, was sitting on my moms shoulders a beaming smile across his eight year old face. His black hair cut short and his green eyes gleaming. His hands holding on to my moms hair the same jet black as mikeys as mine. Her eyes were the same sapphire blue we look almost exactly the same except i had my dads dirty golden blond hair. Her smile was bigger than Mikey's, caught mid laugh. I set it down on my desk and left my room. Going back into the bathroom I finished getting ready which consisted of blow drying my hair and putting on a coat of mascara.

"Ready to go?" I asked coming out of the bathroom.

"Ya! I've been waiting for like two hours!" Jake said his tone exasperated.

"I'm sorry that you decided to come over early!" I said mimicking his voice. 

We left my apartment and walked down a flight of stairs stopping at his apartment to tell his mom were he was going. She didn't care he was number three of seven kids and she had her hands full with his younger siblings. His house was always crazy something was always going on. I loved it! It was just me and my dad at our place and I got kind of boring sometimes.

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