the agents

21 1 4

Gwen's pov-

There was a sharp rapid series of knocks at the door. It was Thursday ,two days before the funeral, and this had constantly been happening for the last few days people I didn't know bring over flowers or other stuff that I didn't want. but I dragged my self from my spot next to Jake on the couch and over to the door preparing to be hugged by some stranger who was only pretending to care about me.

As I whipped the door open i was surprised by what i saw. Two very tall men in suits. The shorter probably around 6,2' with short light brown hair, a chiseled jaw, and the greenest eyes i have ever seen in my whole life. The taller was huge probably around 6,4', his hair was long (like almost to his shoulders long) and dark brown, and his eyes were a golden hazel color that was very pretty. They were both similarly built strong features and well, strong everything else too.

The shorter looked a little surprised i don't know why but he composed him self and said,"Hi, are you Gwen Mitchel?"

"Ya. Who are you?" i responded a little on edge. I didn't want to talk to anymore people today it was only 2 in the afternoon but i just wanted to sleep. The nightmares that had plagued me for years had been especially horrible sense my dad was killed and i hadn't sleep for more than 4 hours in as many days.

"Um," the taller one started."I am Agent Gomez and this is Agent Swift we are from the FBI we just want to ask you a few questions."

"Let me see your badges." i held out my hand waiting for one of the Agents to hand me a badge the shorter one Agent Swift handed me his. i flipped it open and immediately knew it was a fake. I went to hand it back to him but dropped it when it was all most to his hand. "sorry i'm such a klutz," I said as he went to pick it up. with one quick motion i pulled my handgun out of the back of my waist band ,were I all ways keep it, and pointed it at the agents shifting it back and forth between them.

"eassy there," agent Gomez said putting his hands in front of him.

"Stand up slowly.," I said my voice sounded calm but on the inside I was freaking out. Why were two fake FBI agents coming to ask me about my dad!

" hey we don't want any trouble," agent swift said slowly standing up strait. "We just want to ask you a few questions."

"Who are you!" I tried to make my voice demanding but it came out a little more scared.

"I'm agent Gomez and this is agent Swift we're from the FBI."

"No your not," I was still shifting my gun from one to the other. " tell me who you are!"

"Okay, we aren't FBI but we can help you find what killed your dad," agent swift said.

For some strange reason I believed him something about the look in his eyes like he actually cared about this and this wasn't just some job to him. "Alright come on in," I said stepping to the side of the door and motioning with my gun toward the couch that Jake had just vacated. He was standing in the kitchen holding a pot of coffee hovering over a mug his mouth hanging slightly open. i walked over to cupboard and got three more mugs down. Then setting them down next to Jake's.

"Gwen," he leaned over and whispered in my ear. "who are those guys?"

Jake's breath was hot on my neck and i was extremely aware of how his lips had gently brushed against my ear when he spoke. "I don't know," i whispered back. my eyes were trained on the two men sitting on my couch. I had no reason to trust them all they had told me was lies but i knew, deep down, that they could hep me.

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