
14 0 1

deans pov-

When the door opened I was surprised by the girl I saw. I don't really know what I was expecting, an average 14 year old girl, not the 5' 6" full figured young woman that opened the door. She looked as if she could have been 16 or 17 not 14 like the file said. There was a look of annoyance plastered across her pretty face. She had stormy sapphire eyes peaking out from behind big, thick, black glasses perched at top of a small rounded nose that turned up slightly at the end. Her lips were full and slightly pink. Little pieces of  dirty blond hair framed her fair skinned, freckled, face the rest of her hair in a thick braid slung over one shoulder.  She was wearing black leggings and the blue and white plaid flannel that hung loosely off her curvy but thin frame.

  "Hi," I said trying to hide my surprise. "are you Gwen Mitchell?" We had read up on the first cop that died it didn't say much on his family is that he was married and had two kids, the older a son and the younger a daughter. The daughter's name was Gwen, she was 14, and was going to be a freshmen when school started in a few months. It didn't say anything on the wife or son other that they existed.    

"Ya," she responded looking me and Sam up and down with surprise. "Who are you?" The surprise in her voice quickly replaced by caution. 

"Um," Sam started. "I am Agent Gomez and this is Agent Swift we are from the FBI, we just want to ask you a few questions." 

I looked at him quizzically. Silently conveying really man Swift and Gomez could you be more of a girl.  

"Let me see your badges," I could tell she was kind of freaking out but trying to act cool. She stuck her hand out expectantly. I pulled out my badge and handed it to her she looked at it for a total of 5 seconds then when to hand it back to me. right before I grabbed it she dropped it.

"Sorry! i'm such a klutz!" She said as i went to pick it up. 

"Whoa there!" I heard Sam exclaim clearly startled. 

"Stand up slowly." Gwen said her voice was strong and commanding. As I rose badge in hand I saw she was shifting a sleek black hand gun shifting from Sam to me.

" Hey we don't want any trouble," I put my hands in front of me to show her i didn't have a gun. "We just want to ask you a few questions." I tried to use the voice in would use on Ben, when I lived with him and Lisa, to get him to do what i wanted him to.

"Who are you?!" The strength disappeared from her voice at the end, fear leaking through like water leaking through a dam.

"I'm Agent Gomez and this is Agent Swift we're from the FBI." Sam said trying to keep up the lie but I knew it wasn't going to work. Some how she knew our badges were fake.

"No you're not." The fear was gone replaced by annoyance. She was tired of adults lying to her. I could tell. "Tell me who you are!" She pointed the gun more aggressively towards Sammy.

"Okay, we aren't FBI but we can help you find what killed your dad," I said quickly drawing back a little as she pointed the gun at me.

I could tell by the way she lowered she gun just slightly that she knew I was telling the truth  "Alright come on in," she said stepping to the side of the door and motioning with her gun toward the small couch with two chairs sitting across from it a small TV hanging on the wall opposite from were we were standing slightly in side the door.

I lead the way over to the couch Sam closing the door then following closely behind. Gwen walked over to a small kitchen were a tall boy with short, thick, shaggy, brown hair, wearing a black tee-shirt under a light denim jacket with a grey hood, was pouring a cup of coffee from a pot. I assumed that this was the son that was mentioned in the cops file. He leaned over to Gwen and started whispering to Gwen.

"Hey why'd you drop the cover?" Sam questioned leaning over to me.

"She wasn't buying it man she knew the badges were fake some how."

"Well what are we going to tell her now."

"the truth," this statement earned me a disbelieving look from Sam. "Hey I'm thinkin' it's our only option here she knows we were lying about being feds. Do you think that's her brother in the kitchen?" I asked trying to change the subject because the truth was that i had no idea why i wanted to tell her the truth so badly.

Sam shrugged then nodded towards the kitchen where Gwen and the brown haired boy were walking over to sit in in the two chairs opposite us.

"This is Jake my boyfriend," Gwen said but color quickly rushed into her checks then said. "My friend who is a boy not my boyfriend." 

Looking back and forth from the two, both blushing hard, i could tell that they both had crushes on each other. But all i said was,"sure." 

Sam cleared his throat elbowing me then turning back to Gwen and Jake, "So are your mom and brother around?"

Gwen looked at him like he was the dumbest person on the planet then said in a flat emotionless voice a simple short, "no."

Sam moved to the edge of the couch, "Were are they."

her face went steely and cold, "they dug them self 6 feet underground."

Jake decided to elaborate, "They were killed 8 years ago in an animal attack."

I was stunned, "Who are you going to live with?" 

"Foster care," She was still answering in as short of answers as possible. I felt for the girl she had lost almost everyone important to her except for this Jake kid who she was being ripped away from to go and live with a bunch of strangers getting passed from group home to group home. 

"i am so sorry to hear that," this felt in equivalent to what i was feeling but its all i could say.

"You didn't do anything," she sounded annoyed like this had happened way to much in the last few days.  She quickly changed the subject asking, "So earlier you said what killed my dad not who. What do you think did it?" 

I had to hand it to her she didn't miss a beat. I opened my mouth to respond trying to figure out how i was going to tell her about monsters when Sam eyed me and said "Must have been a slip of the tongue." i got the hint he was ,not so discreetly, throwing my way to not tell her. 

"We have a few ideas, but we are going to need to ask you a few more questions. Then we'll be out of your hair." I replied slowly. I still couldn't figure out why I desperately wanted to hug this girl and tell her every thing will be okay.

"Okay," Gwen replied. "Anything to help catch who...what did this." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2016 ⏰

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