Chapter 3

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"I win," you hear him say.   


You can't hold it in anymore. You break into giggles. Your whole body shakes with laughter. You had thought that he had been critically wounded, maybe dead... But it was only a trick! A stupid trick!! He is alive and well, and it was all a deception to win this stupid bet!

You are really relieved he's all right, but angry against him. He caused you such a fright! It was the first time Gray had fallen from your attacks and you had thought the worse, but now...

You let yourself fall on your back and take a deep breath. You've stop laughing. You let a small smile slip out on your lips. You don't know what you would have done he had died. Thank Gods it did not happen. You don't care anymore if you win or lose, as long as he stays alive.

"TIME'S UUUUUPPPP!" you hear the commentator announce. You are immediately teleported back in the arena, now lying on white sand. You get up and hear the crowd roars in excitement.

The greatest moments from the event are being replayed on the screens hanging in the air. You see yourself attacking the two women from behind. On another one, you are beating up Lyon with Gray. That combat ends and you see yourself against Gray. It is strange to see yourself fighting. But what is stranger are all the smiles you have your lips during the battles. And Gray isn't better than you.

"And now, finally, the result of this incredible and action-filled event!" announces the commentator as a huge board appears above your head, the results slowly appearing on it. "Let's applause the winner, from Fairy Tail, Gray Fullbuster!"

Gray lifts his arms in victory as the crowd cheers. You see him glance at you and smile. You ignore him and look at the rest of the results.

1- Fairy Tail Team 1             9 points

2- Sabertooth                        8 points

3- Lamia Scale                       6 points

4- Fairy Tail Team 2            4 points

5- Blue Pegasus Team 2     3 points

5- Mermaid Heel                  3 points

7- Blue Pegasus Team 1    1 point

8- Medusa's Head               -8 points

Fourth, and by a lot. You sigh in discouragement. You are extremely disappointed. You did not gain as much points as desired.

"Some still can't believe that Fairy Tail won this event at each other's costs. But surprise turns of events are exactly what make the Games so interesting! Dear audience, stay near for the next event, which starts at 3PM!"

You observe the other contestants. They seem all wounded, you included, and some doctors rush to help those who are still lying on the white sand. The small girl you attacked first seems to be in a very bad shape, and the man from the weakest guild of the tournament is hardly breathing. To your surprise, you see Lyon being helped by the doctors. You don't remember him being that injured when you had fought him. He manages to stand up with the docs' help and he stops them from healing him right away. Lyon starts walking toward you, one of his legs obviously wounded.

"Hey," he starts with a nice smile. "Gray gave you a hard time?"

"You can say that, yeah." Your arm is still limp at your side. You probably have a dislocated shoulder.

Gray Fullbuster x Reader- As We Fought OnWhere stories live. Discover now