Chapter 6

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When the event ended, Gray came to find you, still without a shirt. You had exited the arena with him to find some place quieter.

"I still can't believe how scary Mira is when she transforms like that," you start.

"Me too," answers Gray, "I'm pretty happy she's in my team."

"You guys are so strong!" you exclaim. "I can't even imagine winning against Laxus, Mirajane or Freed."

"Then I'm not strong?"

"Exactly." You smile. "Jokes aside, I just think I will actually be able to survive a fight with Gajeel or you. But not the others." Hell, you even won a couple of times against Gray!

"Hm. I think you are underestimating yourself."

"Maybe." You pause a moment, thoughtful. "Oh, I forgot to tell you, but... Thanks for saving me from Lyon's attack."

Gray smiles.

"No problem."

A moment of silence passes. Strangely, it isn't awkward at all.

"So what did you want me to do, for the bet?" you ask, breaking the silence. You see Gray blush and he looks away.

"Hum... Well, I wanted..." He takes a deep breath. "Wouldyouliketospendtherestofthedaywithme?"

"What?" you laugh. "Gray, maybe you can speak even faster!"

"Yeah, right... Anyway, what I wanted to say is..." He hesitates.

"Come on, whatever you say I am obliged to accept it, you know. I don't break my promises."

"I want you to spend the rest of the day with me, if that's okay with you." His face get redder and he looks away again, as if he was embarrassed.

His request surprises you, but at the same time you are happy. Well, it won't be that difficult. Maybe you won't even fight with him. No, you actually can't, because your shoulder is in a too bad shape to fight.

"Sure," you answer with a small smile. "I'm sure I can manage that."

"Great." Gray looks relieved by your answer. "Are you hungry? We can go grab something if you want."

"Yeah, I actually am starving. I haven't eaten anything since this morning."

"Let's go then. I know a good place where we can eat."

Maybe this bet wasn't a bad idea after all.


You are leaning on the balustrade, just beside Gray, the small river that passed through town flowing by you. You've finished eating your supper. You had bought a delicious sandwich with Gray a little while ago, and you decided to go eat it by the river. You were having a great time with the ice mage. It wasn't that late, and the streets were full of people, due to the popularity of the Magic Games. Everyone was cheery and looked happy, including you. That atmosphere makes you calmer.

"I always wanted to do something like this with you," starts Gray before taking the last bite off his sandwich.

"Really?" you ask Gray, a little surprised.

"Yeah." He glances at the river, lost in thoughts. "Crazy, right? We were always fighting, but the only thing I could think about was how it would be fun to hang out, just like this." He shook his head. "Seriously. I don't even know why we are always combating."

"I do," you reply hesitantly.

"Could you enlighten me then?"

"I like how you look when you fight." As soon as you say that, you feel blood rush to your cheeks. You actually said it. You had only thought it, but the sentence had slipped out.

Gray Fullbuster x Reader- As We Fought OnWhere stories live. Discover now