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(This is completely Will's point of view, so I won't write it every time)

I'm entering my new school, the hallways are still empty, because I had to be here earlier on my first day, so I could have a talk to the principal.
I'm excited, but just a little bit, I'm used to new schools and I usually make new friends very fast. Of course I'll miss my old ones, but on the other hand did I just know them for a few months and we promised to keep in touch.
I'm walking to the principal's office and have a short talk with him.
Nothing spectacular, just the usual things I already heard about 20 times.
I know most people would hate to be the 'new one' again and again, but if you're used to it it isn't all bad. Most schools are more or less the same, they look the same, have the same idiots, the same cool people and the same outsiders.
It's actually a really simple concept if you got it.
You just have to learn how to hang out with the right people, and to stay away from the wrong ones, that's it.
And you meet many people when you're always moving, that's amazing.

Slowly the hallways get filled with other students, until it rings to the first lesson.
When I get in the classroom it's already full of people. I go to the teacher and ask her where to sit and she sends me to one of the two last empty seats in the back of the room.
About 10 minutes after the lesson started someone opens the door and goes through the room without even looking up. The boy who just came in throws his bag on the ground and sits down next to me.
'Mr di Angelo, I'm pleased you decided to join us today, would you mind to explain why you're late? And why I haven't seen you for two weeks?' our teacher asks sighting, she seems to be used to it. The guy, di Angelo, seems to be a trouble kid and now he's sitting next to me.
That's great. Not.
However, the boy totally ignores our teacher and everyone else.
'Mr di Angelo!' our teacher is obviously annoyed now, but the boy just softly shakes his head, he still haven't looked up.
After a awkward silence the lesson gets continued.
I really try to pay attention at the lesson, but I can't stop looking at the boy next to me. He's all dressed in black and so is his hair, but he's really pale and skinny.
I actually can't see his face, since he still haven't looked up and his messy hair is hanging in his face. He doesn't say a word through the whole time, but he's carefully taking notes. What I actually- how I just realized didn't did. I slightly blush and then doesn't look up too for the rest of the lesson.
When the bell rings everyone stands up and runs out of the classroom and in the rush I drop my pencil. I want to pick it up, but the boy, I still don't know his first name, already did and gives it to me.
'Thanks' I say. I want to say more, but he rushes our of the room without a word. Strange boy. But interesting....
But also scary.
Whatever, time to make friends!

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