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Today the seat next to me is empty again. I hope the whole lesson that Nico would come through the door, but he doesn't.
I hope he'll be there at lunch. Not just because I don't really want to eat alone, he's also the only person in the whole school who's something like friendly to me. And I like him.
I mean, sure, he doesn't talk very much, he looks kind of scary and he skips school, usually not the kind of people I would spend time with, but he invited me to the empty classroom.
Probably because he knows how it feels when you get judged and no one wants to sit with you. I bet he also got pretty much other shit in his life going on, and, even I just know him for two days, I want him to know that he isn't alone.
So I look for him the whole day, but I can't see him anywhere. At lunch I sit alone in the small classroom, eating a dry sandwich and some salad, when suddenly someone opens the door. At first I think it's a teacher, but then I see it's Nico.
'Where have you been the whole day?'
I don't really want to sound offensive, but I really think he should probably show of at school sometimes.
'None of your business' anyway, he doesn't give me an answer. But I won't give up that easy
'You can't just skip school. You're going to get serious problems'
'Thanks' he says sarcastically. Then both of us don't say anything in a while, until I can't stand the silence anymore.
'You should eat something' I say. He hadn't eat anything yesterday, and so he does now.
'I already ate something before I came here.' he says. A little bit to fast. I heard my mom and dad lying at each other for years, I know when someone isn't telling the truth.
'No, you haven't. You have to eat.'
'I'm not hungry, okay? And now stop talking.' he looks really angry now. I would like to talk to him more, I'm really worried about him, but I don't want him to leave, so I do like he told me and stop talking.
When I'm ready with eating I ask him something again
'So, are you going to stay here now?'
'So you just came here to not eat lunch?' or, to say it with other words to see me?
'I also had to hand some essays and homework' he mumbles
'You're not even going to one lesson, but you're doing your homework?'
'That I don't like the concept of school doesn't mean I'm not interested in education. Goodbye.' and with these words he rushes out of the room.
That's how I spent the rest of the week. Nico barely comes to the lessons, but we always ate lunch together (well, I ate, he got angry when I asked him to eat something).
I tried to talk to him, but I couldn't find out very much about him.
In the afternoons and evenings I had to help the caretaker, but it was okay.
Someone told me at the last lesson before the weekend that Octavian, the guy I had a fight with, would come back to school next monday, so I was in a bad mood when I walked home. I always walk home, even I have a car, because I like to be outside and there's usually nothing waiting for me at home.
My parents are on a trip the whole weekend, so I would be alone. Usually I would have spent the time with friends, but now Nico is my only friend, if you can even say it in this way, and I don't really think that he would like to spend time with me. I have no clue what he's doing in his free time anyway.

After two hours of horrible stupid and meaningless tv shows I decide to go to bed, but of course I can't sleep, instead I end up thinking about Nico di Angelo.
I wish he wouldn't push me away. I do understand that some people aren't so loud and happy, but I just want to be his friend. He probably feels like he would be all alone, but at the same doesn't allow me to tell him that he isn't.

Why do I even care that much?
I know basically nothing about this boy.

Oh please, you know exactly why you care so much.

I had a best friend once, some years ago, that was probably the most amazing person, with the most trouble, I have ever known.
I haven't heard of her in a really long time, and I doubt that she's alright, since I was literally her only pulse control, but whatever, sometimes I hear her voice.
Like, not in a creepy way, just that my head decided to think all my uncomfortable thoughts in her voice.

Maybe because she was always the one to talk about uncomfortable things, while I preferred to run away from them.

And like always she was right, I knew why I cared so much, and I'm really angry about it.

'Com on Will, admit it, you have a crush on him, don't be such a drama queen

I barely know him, that's ridiculous.
And he won't like me like this anyway, he doesn't even properly talk to me.

He talks more to you than to anyone else. And if you want to get to know him, just ask!

I tried, but he would always just get angry.

You didn't try to get to know more about him, you sounded like a worried mother. Level up boy!

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