A new Gem

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Stevens Pov:
I woke up to something glowing from outside. "Garnet Amethyst, Pearl!! Come quick." I said. They ran outside quickly to see the gem that i found on the beach was glowing. It starting to form a figure of a girl.
Her white ocean blue hair came out as her gem was on her back. She was like Pearl, but different.
She was wearing a shirt that showed her belly and her waist and a long skirt was shown.
She was bare foot, and the glowing stopped. She fell to the sand, and I ran to where the girl was.
She tried to get up, but fell down again as I came up to her, ignoring the calls of the others telling me to stop.
She sensed my presence, and turned to face me.
Her blue eyes stared at my eyes.
"Thank you for finding me." She said.
I helped her up to her feet and stared at her.
"What's your name?" I asked her.
"Moonstone. My name is Moonstone." She said.
"Steven Get away from her!!" I hear Pearl said as the others came.
Pearl grab me by the arm and took out her spear, So did the others.
"Wait!!! She's not a threat" I said to Them.
"How would you know." Amethyst said.

"Can't you see your scaring her??" I said as I pointed at Moonstone. Her eyes showed fear, fear of getting killed.
Pearl sighed, and put her spear away, so did Garnet and Amethyst.
"Come, let's go inside to talk." I said. I grab Moonstones hand and let her follow me to the house, the others following me as well....

Moonstones Pov:
I followed Steven to his huge house. I felt afraid of the other three that we're giving me glares.
Once we were inside, he let me sit down on a couch and waited for him.
"So Tell me what happened To you Moonstone." Steven said as they other three sat around him, protecting him from me.
"My name is Moonstone. I came from the Home World, where all gems would live.
Many years ago, the war on the Home World was a disaster. Many gems died, including my parents. My parents were warriors, fighters that were sided with the good.
By the time I was made, I was different. Unlike all other gems, mines was pure white. " I stopped, and sighed. "After the war, a new era had begun.
Yellow Diamond, the leader of the Generals, wanted all gems, including the ones who were born to be soldiers. She sent her troops to take gems who were different. When I founded out, I didn't wanted to be like her.
So I escaped, barely. I crashed here on Earth, hoping to get out of my past." I finished, tears rolled down on my face.
I felt arms hugging me. I looked up to see the tall one hug me. I cried I her arms, sobbing as well.
Soon after that, more arms hugged me as I realized that everyone was hugging me.

I instantly fell asleep, sleeping on one of the gems arms....

Garnets Pov:
I felt guilt. I felt a relief of sadness o Moonstones story.
It reminds me of my past too.
(Ruby , Sapphire)
Sapphire , do you think she's telling the truth??
I'm sure she is. I can see it in her eyes.she doesn't lie like that Ruby, nor that she's a threat.
I hope your right Sapphire. I hope so..

She instantly fell asleep on my arms.
" I'll take her to her room. You guys just go to sleep." I said to the others. Steven nodded and went back to his bed.
Pearl and Amethyst looked at me, and went back to their rooms.
I looked at the sleepy figure of Moonstone.
I chuckled, and set her down on the couch.i got a nearby blanket and set it down on her cold body.
I then looked at her, and went tony temple....

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