Chapter 11- The Asset

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Sorry about the wait, my mom just had back surgery so I was helping her. I will try and get posting every week.

I was watching Ward punch a punching bag wall he was waiting for Skye to come down to continue her training.

"You know you're late." Ward said to Skye as she came down the stairs.

"I'm tired from the morning's workout. I thought I was jointing S.H.I.E.L.D., not 24 hour fitness." Skye said but I don't see what she's complaining about. The workouts that Clint and Natasha made me to we a lot worse that pull-ups.

"It's called relative strength training, Starting with the basics. And next time you do 15 push-ups for every minute you're late." Ward told Skye checking her wrist wrapping.

"Fine, Mr. Fun Machine. Betting than pull-ups. I don't ever want to do another pull-up again." Skye said. What I don't get is how someone can hate pull-up so much.

"You find yourself hanging off the edge of a building 20 stories up, you're gonna want to do at least one." Ward said rechecking her wrappings.

"Stand here. Jab cross, like this. Ten minutes." Ward said showing her what to do. "You know the hardest part about boxing?"

"Getting punched in the face?" Skye asked punching the bag.

"Keeping your hands up." Ward said but getting punched in the face is a close second.

"Why do I even have to do this? I'm sure Fitz-Simmons' supervising officer didn't make them do this muscle stuff." Skye asked.

"You said you wanted to be a field agent, like Coulson. Well, if you'd like to switch disciplines.... Hey, Simmons. What did your S.O. give you guys for morning drills?" Ward asked Simmons who was in the lab with Fitz.

"Oh. Atomistic attribute drills." Simmons said before Skye weak gave a weak punch to the punching bag. "Yeah, we'd name the mechanical, chemical, thermal..."

"electrical properties of materials." Fitz said helping Simmons.

"Okay, Okay. They made your point." Skye said giving a couple more weak punches leaving her other arm by her side when she punched.

"There will come a moment when you have to commit to this or bail." Ward explained to Skye as he held the bag for her. "Every field agent has a defining moment. Ask Coulson. When you have to make the hard call to either dedicate yourself to this or to curl up in a ball and run." I feel that smartass comment coming for Skye soon.

"How can you run if you're curled up in a ball?" Skye asked. There it is, but it is a fair question.

"It's my job as your S.O. to make sure you don't die before then." Ward said repositioning her hand in front of her face. "Come on."

"So what was yours, Agent Ward?" Skye asked.

"Ten minutes." Ward told her not answering her question.

"Your defining moment?" Skye asked again. "Come on, Tell me. I want to know. I could get Coulson to give you some of that truth serum. You could spill your little heart out to me again." Since when have we had a truth serum, I'm a higher level that Ward and I have never heard of this.

"You mean my level on one overshare that miraculously got you to cooperate?" That sounds like something Coulson would do, from what I heard from Clint and Natasha. "I hate to tell you this, Rookie, but we don't have a truth serum."

"Changing course, briefing in three." May said over the intercoms saving Ward from Skye's questions.

"Ah, Looks like we're on the move." Fitz said has he and Simmons took off their lab coats.

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