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*Victoria Barton's pov*

My twin brother, Clint, and I were running in our backyard, with our bows and quivers on our backs. We were going to try and go hunting. My hair was in a braid that reached the small of my back. We were both wearing all back to stay hidden in the shadows.

When we reached the woods, Clint climbed a tree from where he would be able to watch his prey but not have him seen by his prey. I, on the other hand, ran into the woods to try and move some of the bigger prey towards Clint.

As I was running I reached a cliff, I sat down knowing that I should be quite so the bigger prey would settle down before I would move them to Clint. I grabbed one of my arrows and sat with it in my hand.

All of the sudden there was a helicopter flying at me. I realized that I must have been spacing out as I had not noticed that it was coming at me. I jumped to feet and ran back into the woods for the cover of the trees.

Before I could reach the cover of the trees, a man grabbed me around the waist. I dropped my arrow that i had in my hand.

"CLINT." I yelled to get his attention. The man that had grabbed me around the waist started pulling me back towards the helicopter. He put a rag on my mouth and nose, forcing me to breathe in the silky sweet smell that laced the rag.

"TORI!" Clint yelled coming out of the cover of the trees, but he was too late, I was already in the helicopter. Clint picking up the arrow that I dropped was the last thing I saw before I blacked out.


*Victoria Lynn (Barton)'s pov.*

When I woke up, I was restrained on a bed. My shirt was sitting so that my stomach was showing, and since my hands were restrained I could not pull it back down.

After about half an hour, a man came in the room. He about 6'1 with brown hair.

"What is your name, child?" He asked with a Russian accent.

"Victoria Lynn." I told him not wanting to tell him my real last name, Barton, instead giving him my middle name.

"I bet you're wondering why you're here." I nodded not trusting myself to not start crying the second my mouth opens again, "well you are here because we are going to give you powers."

From that day on I was raped and experimented on some times, but most days I was left to sit in my cell not knowing when they would be giving me food and water, also not knowing when they were going to bring me out to be raped and experimented on. This happened up until the day I got my powers.

From the experiments I became able to transform into any animal. After that they never gave me food two days in a row to keep me weak so I could not use my powers.

One day they must have forgot they fed me the day before, not that I was complaining, I became a butterfly and flew out of an open window. Before I left I had learned that they kept my bow and arrows, so I grabbed them thinking that I might need to defend myself. I learned when I transform whatever I have on my person transforms with me become part of me when I transform.

I also learned if something is put on me when I an animal it will only be on me when I become that animal again. Like if I became a horse and someone put a saddle on me the saddle would stay on me when I changed back to myself and only show if I was a horse. 

When I flew out side there was a lot of snow so I changed into a snowy owl. Over time I have learned that they brought me to Russia. The place where they were experimenting on me also trained young girls to kill.

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