What Are We Now?

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Leslie's P.O.V

I walked out of my room and saw Greyson, who was walking up the halls, turn around to look at me. I walked up to him. "Why did you do that?" I asked him, still confused, "I'm confused... I don't get you. One moment you're ignoring me and the next moment you're kissing me. I think it's time that you leave my house. I can't look at you knowing what just happened and I need to think about my life."

He looked at me and put his hands in his pockets. "Can't you ta.... It's fine." (He was gonna say 'Can't you take a hint) He started walking away from me and grabbed his stuff. He looked at me once more ad walked out the door.

"Bye Greyson!" My mother yelled out the door from coming out of her room. She walked up to me. "What's up LessyBear, why did he leave so early? It's only," she looked at her watch, "3:17."

"Mom... I think we should talk later but... Now," she looked at me confused, "I think I need to go shower and think about life for like 30 minutes please." I hugged her and went into my bathroom.

I turned on the water and some music. I stepped out of my bathing suit and got into the water.


I got out of the water and and dried off. I put on some sweats and a v-neck, then grabbed my phone and my bathing suit and went to my room. I lied in my bed until I felt the desire to go talk to my curious mother.

I got up and checked the time, 3:52. I stretched and went out into the living room. "MOOOOOOOM!!" I called out for her because she HAD to be somewhere. I went to her room and saw her changing Kylie's diaper. I just stood and watched from the doorway until she was done and looked up at me.

"Oh hi.." She seemed excited and had a horrific smile pasted on her face, "You ready to talk to me now?" She picked up Kylie and walked over to me bouncing her arm as if that was comforting the poor child.

"Well mom. I have to tell you this. You know how I have a crush on him right?," I paused so she could nod," When we were in the pool, he got out and started texting. I think it was Olivia. So I got mad and went into the bathroom. He had not one bit of sense so he came and knocked on the door and I turned on the water to block him out until I was ready to come out and talk to him. When I came out, I said something like ' You know it's rude to bother people why they're in the bathroom. And you seem like you have something to do rather than to talk to me' something like that... And anyways.. He grabbed me and he um... he kind of kissed me."

Mom looked at me like 'woah' but at the same time like she was jumping around inside. Then she finally said "You let him kiss you? I mean... I kno-"

"No... Well... For a second but.. then I pushed him away and told him to leave." I looked at her with worry, "What should I do? I love him but.. He's my best friend and I think he likes someone else..."

She looked at me and put up her hand for me to grab it. " I'm sorry babe but.. You've got to figure this out by yourself. I don't know what to do about this either. If I were you. I would just wait it out to see what happens."

I hugged her. "Thanks mommy. I think I got this.. I just wanna know what we are now." I walked back to my room, got in my bed and drifted off.


After my nap, I got up and looked at my phone. It was 7:03pm and I had gotten a text message. It was from Grey. I scoffed and looked through his messages.

Greyson=G, Leslie=L

4:09 G: Leslie...

7:04 L: What do you want?

I looked at the wall and waited for him to text me back.

7:06 G: I don't know.. I just feel like I have to say sorry to you... So sorry..

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