An Introduction

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You were known as _________. You had just moved to a new area far from your previous location, and were hoping that the change would be no doubt anything but a benefit to you. You lived in a house, of course. It wasn't all that, being a little below the average size of a normal house, but it was enough for you and you still considered it quite cozy and nice.

You knew nobody in this small place, the residents were all strangers to you- all except Angelina, a close friend of yours. You were hoping that she would provide a good help in getting to know everybody and the surroundings. You actually were told by her that she was often busy though, but you were sure you could manage to explore some on your own. Besides, what could be so bad about getting outside to enjoy the fresh air anyway?

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"Okay ________, I have to go out and do something important. Are you sure you can manage on your own for now? It can be dangerous out there," Angelina's voice asked you in a concerned tone, a tone that was often expressed from her.

"Yes, I can handle myself, Angelina, there's no need to worry about me," you reassured your friend, "It can't be that bad." After all, you did speak the truth. How bad could it be? It certainly wasn't as horrible as Angelina made it out to be- if it was, wouldn't your friend have at least had one injury by now?

"Alright, well, I'll see you later then!" It wasn't too long before Angelina had stepped out of the door and was out of your sight, much to relief- even though you hated to admit it.

I suppose that now is a good time to go outside and meet some people. Better sooner than later. The thought crossed your mind for only a second before you made your way to the door, then opened it and exited the building. It was a beautiful day, after all.

You walked down the path leading away from your home, then turned and continued along, studying the neighborhood. Each house looked only slightly different from your own, but seemed to remain the same size- not that it mattered or anything.

You were soon out of the neighborhood, and it wasn't long before you came across what seemed to be a person in a baseball uniform talking to a guy with black hair, who was wearing a white sweater with a heart in the center of it. Oddly enough, you couldn't see the person's face, because you could clearly tell that he was wearing what happened to look like a widely smiling cat mask. You weren't sure why he was wearing it, but surely he had a reason. You couldn't help but feel a strange vibe radiating from him.

You hung around for a while, insisting to yourself that you must go and talk to the strange masked guy.

Becoming distracted for a moment, you looked away, only to look back and observe that the man in the baseball uniform was walking away, and the one wearing the mask was nowhere to be found.

Now, where could he have run off to in such a short amout of time?

Isn't This a Bit OFF..? (Zacharie X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now