Show Me Your Face

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It had been months since your tour of Zone 2 with Zacharie, and since then you had grown quite fond of the elsen and places surrounding you. You hadn't been attacked by spectres in a very long time, much to your relief, which gave you a well needed confidence boost. Thanks to this, you actually got out of the house a lot more than you used to, and you were a lot more active.

Zacharie was almost always around when he wasn't off selling his items, giving you another really good friend, besides Angelina. While you still hung around Angelina often, you found yourself with Zacharie even more. you would think it was peculiar, but you, oddly enough, didn't think it was.

Recently, you'd become quite impatient at seeing Zacharie's face, because even after knowing him for so long, you'd still never seen him without his mask on.

Figuring that today would be the day that you would finally ask him to reveal his face to you, you crawled out of your bed and stretched your arms out, yawning in the process. With that, you eagerly proceeded to prepare youself for the day.

As soon as you were ready, you did nothing but grab your house key and phone before making your way to the front door, opening it, walking out, and locking it behind yourself. Letting out a sigh, you began to walk to the center of town, where the library was located. You were going to have to hunt Zacharie down, and you figured that the center of Zone 2 would be the best place to begin your search.

Upon your arrival to the tall, bright fuchsia colored building, you allowed you footsteps to carry you through the entrance. As usual, the same elsen ran the front desk. With no reason to talk to him, you took a moment to explore the first floor of the library, before making your way up to the second floor.

You filed through a few of the books on the shelfs, quickly becoming bored of the selections and replacing them in their rightful spots. After taking a quick look around the room for Zacharie, you pouted a bit in disappointment, then departing the building due to the fact that floors 3 and up were closed.

You mumbled to yourself, a bit irritated, traveling north of Bismark, stopping in front of the shopping mall, before making your way inside. Once again, you squinted your eyes and the blindingly bright, yet dark shade of blue, giving your eyes a chance to adjust before continuing any further.

You came across what seemed to be an empty shop counter, but disregarded it and walked past it to the main part of the mall. Upon your entrance to the next room, you began walking, continuing through each room with caution, as it seemed that there was absolutely no one else around. Raising an eyebrow, you quickly decided to leave, turning around and proceeding to retrace your steps.

It didn't take you long at all to realize that this place was practically a huge maze, judging by how you almost immediatly found yourself lost and walking in repeated circles through the building. Annoyed, you broke into a run, continuing to be traveling in circles, until you finally got back to the room you were last it, panting as you slowed to a stop right past the door. Leaning over with your hands on your knees for a moment, you took a little bit to catch your breath, then straightening up and walking towards the exit.

You kept making your way to the door, but froze right in front of the door as a voice spoke to you from a distance behind.

"________?" The familiar voice called out, and you turned around to see the same grinning cat mask that you knew so well. Relieved, you walked over to the counter that your friend was behind, surprised to see him in such a place.

"Zacharie! My God, where have you been..? I've been looking for you for a long time... And I swear I was running around in circles in the mall for at least an hour," You mumbled, placing a hand on your head in a bit of a daze and confusion as you looked at the masked man.

"Ah, really now? Eh... Mes excuses, cher," He apologized, speaking in French- something that you never heard him do before. Lucky enough for you, you could speak the language as well.

Smiling, you spoke back to him with, "Pas besoin de présenter des excuses, idiot." A little snicker escaped you as you assured him that there was no need to apologize.

He chuckled a bit also. "You never cease to amuse me, _________." He sighed happily, looking at you through the black eyes of his mask.

"Hah, yeah... Anyways, I wanted to ask you something..." You blushed slightly, your gaze dropping to the floor slowly.

Zacharie tilted his head to the side before speaking up, "Sure, what's on your mind, amigo?"

"Uhm... It's just that I was wondering about... Lorsque vous allez enfin me montrer votre visage..?" You waited for his answer, seeing how he quickly hesitated.

"You... want me to show my face...?" Zacharie looked down at you, his voice trailing slightly, his volume gradually lowering. You nodded a bit, frowning and then moving to look up at his disappointingly covered face.

"I... ne pense pas que je peux le faire, _________...." He sighed, a bit of sadness able to be detected in his heavy, French accented voice.

"Wh-what..? Why not..?" You tilted your head to the side, a bit saddened.

"Uhh.. I... Well..." He mumbled quietly to himself, biting his lip behind his mask a bit in frustration at not having a ready excuse.

"Well..?" You looked at him hopefully, your brightly colored eyes wide in anticipation of his answer.

"....Fine. I'll show you... But only once..." He shifted his gaze a bit uncomfortably, and then suddenly, a smile quirked at your lips.

"Huh? Really?" You gave him an excited look, slightly surprised, but not questioning him any further than you already had, giggling a bit.

He gave a barely noticeable nod, looking to the side and remaining still for a moment before moving a hand to his face, which slowly pulled his mask off, and he took a moment before looking back down at you, using his free hand to fumble with his dark, black colored bangs and move them nervously out of  his pale face.

You looked at him, his face fully exposed, your eyes remaining wide. He had dark brown colored eyes, which seemed to be surrounded in a thick amount of eye liner, even though they really weren't. There were also dark circles around his eyes which made it seem as if his nights were sleepless. His most notable feature was the large scar on the left side of his face though, which you were almost certain was the thing that made him so obviously self consious. You blushed a bit. You couldn't help but take note in your brain that he was so very cute. No, not cute. He was absolutely adorable.

Zacharie looked off to the side, a little embarrassed, blushing slightly. "Well...?"

It took you a moment or so to respond. "Zacharie... I don't know what took you so long... You have nothing to be embarrassed about, you look fine.." You gave him a smile, although he didn't see it.

"You really think so..?" He focused his dark eyes on you, tilting his head cutely.

"Of course I do, mask boy... I'd never lie to you."

"....Merci, _______... It means a lot, it really does." He blinked before allowing a slight toothy grin to plaster itself to his almost colorless face.

"Je suis heureux de l'entendre." You nodded to him, giggling and smiling back.

He placed his mask back over his face, fixing his onyx black bangs over the top of it.

"________..?" Zacharie chimed softly to you, quickly catching your attention.

"Yeah, Zacharie?"

"I was wondering if you want to hang around with me for a while today... For once I have nothing to do, and I like spending time with you." He tilted his head, waiting for your answer.

You, of course, accepted his offer.

"Well, sure!"

"Perfect, miaou~." He snickered a bit, walking around the counter to your side, then you both exited the empty shopping mall, continuing to converse with each other the whole time.

Isn't This a Bit OFF..? (Zacharie X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now