The Bismark Tour

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You remained in your previous spot, simply sitting there on the ground and staring out at the liquid plastic as you clutched your backpack to your chest, trying to keep yourself from having a nervous breakdown. If you were going to do anything, it certainly wouldn't be getting up and running from the spectres that you knew you couldn't see. Even though you couldn't see them, you knew they were there and you weren't going to risk your life trying to get away from them.

30 minutes passed, then you started to wonder why Zacharie was taking so long to get to you. Zone 2 isn't that big at all and he told you he'd be here in a few minutes, so you assumed by a few, that he meant 5 minutes or so.

Just as you were about to text the merchant to ask him what was taking so long, you heard footsteps that seemed to be getting louder, then you turned your head and looked up, not surprised to see the masked man behind yourself, none other than Zacharie. You scowled for a moment before you stood up and faced him, still clutching your backpack tightly.

"Hello ___-," Zacharie began, only to end up being cut off by your loud mouth.

"What in the WORLD took you so long!?" You practically shouted your words to his masked face, unable to see the expression behind it.

"...Well, you see here, _______, I actually made a great deal with a customer that I couldn't pass up, so-..." Zacharie was then cut off again.

"I don't care! You said you'd be here in just a FEW minutes! I don't have time to wait 30 minutes!!!" You balled up your fists and stomped one of your feet in a cute little hissy fit, causing Zacharie to do nothing but chuckle.

"Okay, quit trying to be cute now, calm down." The man put both of his hands up as if telling you to halt. You found yourself blushing, then protesting and throwing your fists up in the air in more denial.

"Cute? Who ever said I was trying to be cute!? I'm not cute!!!" You hissed, right before Zacharie pushed his mask up enough to show his mouth, then leaned closer to you. Your eyes widened and you turned your back to him, hiding your face.

"No! Don't even try!" You kept your face hidden, but only for a few seconds due to the fact that Zacharie pulled your arms away from you and planted a kiss on your cheek from behind, just to shut you up. It obviously worked, due to the fact that you froze and kept your mouth shut. At least the kiss was only friendly.

You quickly covered your face again before growling in irritation at the visible smirk on Zacharie's pale face. With that, you clasped the straps of your backpack and stormed off in one direction, stopping and looking back at your friend before continuing any further than you already were.

"Well? Are you going to show me around or what??" You questioned with a tone of detectable agitation. Zacharie pushed his mask back down over his face before nodding and making his way in your direction.

"Of course, how about we start south of Zone 2?" He asked you, tilting his head.

"Yeah, yeah, sure, whatever. Just let's hurry up and get going, mask boy!" You quickly and sloppily spit your words out as you grabbed Zacharie's hand and began to practically drag him to your's and his destination-south of Bismark, Zone 2.


As you two arrived, you let go of Zacharie's hand, then turned to him. "Alright. We're here. Now begin."

"Riiiiiight, _________... Of course. Follow me, dear." A smirk plastered itself to the merchant's face as he proceeded to explain your surrounds to you as you two walked together, pointing out notable things, even if there weren't many to begin with.

After leaving the small southern region of Zone 2, Zacharie introduced you to the library, informing you on a bit of it's history.

"This is the library of Zone 2... It was created by none other than the Zone Guardian himself, Japhet. He wanted to provide his people with a great source of the one thing he loves most, books. Of course, what could be better than a huge, towering, seemingly endless library? The upper floors may be inaccessable for now, but that still doesn't take away from it magnificence, correct?" Zacharie seemed to enjoy educating you, and you didn't mind listening. As soon as he finished, the both of you moved to your next destination.

The mysterious, yet friendly masked man continued to show you the rest of Bismark, this including the amusement park on the west side that apparently he owned, the shopping mall in the northern region, and the entrance to the residential area exclusively for elsen in the west- you both couldn't get in because you lacked neckties.

Afterwards, Zacharie concluded his tour, obviously please with himself. You had to admit that you were actually quite impressed yourself.

"Thank you Zacharie, I feel a lot better now, knowing where I'm wandering when I'm alone..." You thanked the other, a small smile tugging at your lips as you did so.

"It's no problem, dear... Anytime." Instead of moving his mask to show his wide smile, he pointed at each corner of the grin on his mask with both hands, while tilting his head slighty to the side, continuing to look at you.

You looked right back at the taller male, your smile fading slowly, a bit bummed out at not being able to see his true smile once again. Not wanting to make your disappointment obvious, you quickly smiled again and decided against asking him to show it for you.

The merchant moved his hands away from his mask, speaking up once more.

"...Mind if I walk you home, _______...?" His feline mask hid the slight blush crawling onto his face, much to his relief. He wasn't even close to ready for you to see that.

"I suppose so, I'd rather have someone to walk with rather than being alone after all, ever since that last incident in front of my home..." You gave a nervous chuckle, moving a hand to idley rub the back of your neck.

"Perfect." Zacharie quickly led you away from your current location, walking you all the way home, both his and your steps slow and in sync.

As you arrived home with Zacharie, you looked down at the ground for a moment before inviting him inside, opening your front door after unlocking it.

"Hey Zacharie, would you like to come in? I have nothing to do and it does get sort of lonely around here.." Your voice trailed off momentarily before you were interupted.

"As much as I'd love to, I'm afraid to say that I can't right now, as I am very busy with a few errands to run. Maybe another time?"

"...Sure. Anytime. Just drop by whenever you want to hang around, alright, mask boy?" You questioned him, stepping within your home and looking back at him, in anticipation of an answer.

"Sounds good to me. See you later, ________." He gave a small wave with his hand, which was for once covered partially by an oversized sweater sleeve.

"Farewell, Zacharie." You shot him a soft smile before closing the door as he was walking away, hearing him add a "Miaou~," before he finally took his leave.

Locking your door, you proceeded to make your way to your bedroom, flopping onto your bed face first as soon as you reached it. Seconds later, you rolled over onto your back and sprawled your limbs out, letting out a long, deep sigh before speaking quietly to yourself, staring at the cieling.

"What am I going to do with myself..?"

Isn't This a Bit OFF..? (Zacharie X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now