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I followed her until we got to the gym. I had to stay undercover so that neither Tyler or her would know I was there.

They went inside and instead of barging in there I stayed clear and watched from the outside. I made a small crack through the door to see what was going on.

I couldn't here anything but I saw Klaus, Bonnie, Matt, and Elena in there with the women and tyler.

Klaus grabbed Tyler with force and then bit his rist. After he made Tyler drink his blood then he started to tell Bonnie something and snapped Tyler's neck.

Everyone stood there looking at Tyler's now dead body. Matt looked furiously pissed and Elena kept gasping for air.

Then klaus gave them all a smirk. I wanted to rush in there and stop klaus before doing anything else but the women who's name I can't remember was standing right near the door.

I knew she would kill me the moment I  walked in. Then I had to choose it was either me or my friends.

I took a deep breath of courage and bursted in there like there was no tomorrow.


( Kenzi's POV )

It ran at me with it's devilish eyes but all of a sudden someone came out of the shadows stopping and ripping out that things heart.

" Are you alright " The man who came out of the dark asked.

" How did you do that " I asked while slowly getting up because of my sore leg.

" I have my ways which will all be explained if you come with me. " He said

" Okay but first tell me your name " I told him

" Klaus Mikealson. And what might your bame be. " He asked.

" I'm Kenzi. Kenzi Gilbert.  "   I told him


I rushed in trying to act heroic but I was so scared inside.

" You " The women said while the veins on her face started to appear.  Her fangs also started to come out.

Everyone looked back and saw me standing there even Klaus.

Rebekah. I remember now the women's name is Rebekah.

She ran at me so fast I didn't even see it coming. Before she could get close though Klaus ran at her and snapped her neck.

" Kenzi " Klaus said as his eyes started to tear up.

" Klaus " I said as ran to him and hugged him. " I've missed you so much but why did you turn Tyler. and how do you know Elena."

He pulled me away and said " She is the doppelganger. I thought I killed her during the ritual to break the curse-"

" Well its a good thing you didn't " I said interrupting him " She's my cousin and I thought I told you you don't have to be a hybrid I love you the way you are "

" Bonnie you better go find the solution fast " He said while looking at her.

Bonnie rushed out of the gym with Matt after and Elena wouldn't stop looking at me.

" How do you two no each other " Elena asked.

" It's a long story but Klaus is the one who helped me after my parents died. " I told her.

" If I had known that Elena was your cousin I would have never hurt her " Klaus said to me.

Then Klaus walked over to these two teenager and told them " You are free to leave. Forget everything that happened here. "

" What are we going to do about Rebakah you kniw she'll kill me the moment she wakes up. Plus if she finds out what you did she'll never forgive you. " I said

" Wait a minute how do you know her " Elena asked.

" It's a long story " I said


(Kenzi's POV) -two weeks after saving her

" Okay now to aim it you must look at where you want it to land and control the power you use to throw it. " Klaus said as he placeed the knife in my hand.

He made sure I was holding it correctly and slowly showed me how to throw it. He moved my hand back and forth until I was ready to throw it on my own.

He stepped away and said " now you try ".

I took a deep breath and looked directly at the center of the target.  I then threw the knife and I could feel it slowly parting ways with my fingers.

" Check that out " I said to Klaus while pointing to the target which I just hit.

He then clapped and said " Bravo. Lets pick this back up tomorrow shall we "

" Sure any word on Rebekah " I asked.

" One of my contacts said they saw her by a bar close to here. I knew I shouldn't have undaggered her." He said very frustratedly

" She could sence you coming from a mile away. Why don't you have me dagger her? "

I asked.

" Because it's too dangerous.  If my sister found out what you were up to she'd kill you. " He told me as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

I quickly rubbed his hand off and told him "I've been training with you and plus she has no idea who I am."

" No and also we've trianed for two weeks and my sister is over 1000 years old " He said demandingly. "

" I can do it please give me a chance "


" By dagger you mean like the one Klaus used on Elijah "Elena asked.

" Ya and I did dagger her but obviously that didn't last long. " I said while giving Klaus a look.

Before Klaus could say something back a man walked in through the door and he was bleeding from his stomach.

He didn't say anything when he walked in but one thing I did here was Elena say " Stefan "

The Little Gilbert HuntressWhere stories live. Discover now