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" Good your awake " Rebekah said as I looked at her with anger " It's time we head off. We'll leave the car here so Nick can't track us down. "

Rebekah grabbed my hair and said " C'mon lets go ". Then she yanked me out of the car while pulling on my hair.

When I got out she tossed me to the floor and closed the trunk. Then she grabbed me from behind and we started to walk. After about two minutes we stopped and Rebekah let go of me.

I looked around and saw a road on my left side. Not that packed and a car would drive by every once in a while. Then on my right side there was a gas station.

" Well I'm hungry what about you Kenzi " Rebekah said.

" I guess I could go for a bi- " I stopped my sentence thinking if I say bite, she might bite me.

" That's exactly what I was thinking " Rebakah said while grabbing my arm just a little above my elbow. " Let's go ".

We both walked inside the gas station and I saw a guy at the counter and two women who looked in there twenties.

" Now you go get yourself a snack and I'll do the same " Rebekah said as she walked over to the cashier guy.

I rolled my eyes and looked over to the two women. They were by the drinks. I went to go grab some beef jerky and some slim jims.

When I walked back to the counter Rebekah was whispering something to the guy and he was suprised and he took a huge gulp.

Then he said " my shift ends soon or if you want I can close early. "

Then Rebekah leaned into his neck and I just stood wondering what she was going to do. When I finally realized it I yelled " Stop Rebekah! Stop! "

She looked back at me then bit into the guys neck. I knew it was wrong but I thought if I run now I might have a chance. And I might get some wifi for my phone.

So I ran right for the door but when I looked back at the guy he was laying dead on the counter. Then I looked back in front and I stopped because Rebekah was there and she grabbed me.

" You didn't honestly think I would let you leave " She said as she pushed back into the store and made me fall on my back.

" Aww " I heard the two girls scream as they saw the man's dead body.

" Now watch very, very closely. " Rebekah said " If you try that again this will be you"

Then Rebekah vamp sped to the girls snapping one girl's neck and biting the other's.

After having her fill she snapped the other girls neck and she looked at me, her face covered in blood. She wiped her face with the dead girls sleave and dropped the body to the ground.

She smiled at me and I was so scared inside but I kept a straight face with her so she wouldn't know.

" I can hear your heart beat love there's no reason to pretend your not scared. " She said while licking her fingers.

Rebekah walked over to me and said "you got everything you need".

I looked at her with a smile on my face and said " I'll I need is the rest of the beef jerky and I'm set ".

" Hurry up. We haven't got much time before Niklaus arrives " She said.

I walked over to the counter where the guys dead body was and leaned over to grab a bag to hold my stuff.

Then I stuffed it with beef jerky, slim Jim's, a bag funions and takis, and two Gatorade's. I was surprised it all fit.

We made our way out of the store. Rebekah vamp sped back in and out taking the dead girls car keys. Rebekah made me sit in the passenger seat of the car so she could watch me.

Then we headed of to who knows where.

The Little Gilbert HuntressWhere stories live. Discover now