Halloween pt2

366 11 24

Neves POV

I grab Tommy's hand as he comes back over to me after getting some candy.

"Are you ready to go home?" I ask

"Yeah, I'm really tired." He nods

We start walking down the block towards his house. After Tommy tells me his list of candy he's gonna eat tonight we finally get to his house.

I walk inside with out walking and pick Tommy up.

"Give me a big hug!" I say as his mother walks into the living room.

"Bye Tommy!" I say as he runs off into his room.

"Here." Sandra hands me twenty dollars.

"No, keep it." I smile before leaving.

I wrap my coat around me as the wind picks up and people start heading inside. I hear a stick break behind me so I quickly turn around. I giggle at myself as it was nothing and I'm just being paranoid. Soon as I turn around I run into someone.

"Neve," I recognize the voice instantly.

Kians POV

After taking a long hot shower I get out and finish my water. I felt like I felt sober enough to go look for Neve.

I zip up my black hoodie. Neve has been cheating on me, I know it.

Early today doesn't help me much, but she's talking to all these guys telling them 'I'm never home' or 'I'm always drunk with my friends.' I know this is bad, but I looked through her phone. How could you blame me? We've been so distant. I just wanted to know what was happening.

I understand what happened to Neve effected her, but it didn't just effect her. It effected me too. And I decided to make a few calls...

Neves POV

"J-Jc" I stutter

"Hey baby girl," he smirks.

I pick myself up off the ground and try to run away out of fear, but a pair of hands wrap around my waist.


Sorry I have to leave a little cliff hanger :)

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