Yoonmin-Piano Bar

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Warning- This is in no way an attempt to romanticize any illness of any kind. Please don't take disabilities lightly, as there are people who struggle and suffer each day much more than you would think.

I don't think I'll ever finish this, I want to continue this au bc I hold it near and dear to my heart, but I'll just post it for shits and giggles. Will I continue to write these? Probably not since I've downspiraled into a pretty shitty writer. Also stan b.a.p thanks
Jimin laid on his stomach atop the piano. He gazed at Yoongi whose hands hovered above the keys steadily.

"Waiting for your signal, my love." Yoongi said peeking up at Jimin adoringly. With a smile, Jimin shot Yoongi a double thumbs up, and the latter began to let his fingers dance across the keys of the instrument in the order of "Moonlight". After the first notes Yoongi exhaled a breath he didn't even realize he was holding and let his eyes flutter shut. Jimin looked at his partner completely captured by the way Yoongi's slender fingers moved precisely without hesitation. Jimin could also hear Yoongi lightly humming the notes in perfect sync with his playing. Jimin felt as if he could listen and observe Yoongi play for eons and never get tired of it.

Once the song was finished Jimin sat up and applauded with small claps as Yoongi got up and bowed to the invisible crowd he was playing to. It's been like this for as long as the couple could remember- late nights with nothing but they sound of music peacefully drifting through the air of their small apartment. Yoongi was an amateur concert pianist, his ambitions were big and so were his skills but the last thing Seoul needed was some other kid living his dream instead of rotting away at a university. So Yoongi settled for a small piano bar hidden from the city's hype, a place where people knew him for his music and only his music.

As for Jimin, he was happy as long as every day he woke up to Yoongi's smile and every night he could listen to the applause set aside for his true love. Yoongi tries not to let Jimin's...problem affect their daily life too much.

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