Spring Cleaning

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This is for one of my very good friends Kayla, happy 18th birthday dear! I love you and Yoongi better start preparing himself for the day y'all meet because him falling in love would be an understatement.💛

"Yoongi can you get the boxes from the attic and bring them in here so we can sort through them?" Kayla shouted from the living room of the large two story house. Kayla and Yoongi have been together for over 4 years and recently moved in together in the summer, and now it was time for their first spring cleaning.

Since their house was so ginormous the two had to get an early start on their tidying which at times got painfully boring, but they always knew to keep each other happy and occupied.

Today's chore was the daunting task of unpacking boxes from the attic to sort through things to keep and throw away.  However Yoongi didn't seem to be helping, in fact he was just on the couch plugged in and blasting music through his headphones. Kayla continued yelling his name to call his attention but he still couldn't hear her.

She groaned and got up from the hard wooden floors and stomped over to the coach where Yoongi lay on an entirely different planet. She hovered over his face, screamed, and even shouted random things such as: "The house is on fire!" or the classic "Yoongi I'm pregnant!" But the latter did not budge.

Fed up Kayla pinched Yoongi's cheek and he winced and took off his earbuds.

"What do you want? I was I the middle of a very important business call." Yoongi said rubbing his red cheeks from where Kayla pinched him.

"First of all, napping on the couch is not a business call. Second of all, you can nap when we're done unpacking our boxes." Kayla said smiling widely. Yoongi rolled his eyes and but his earbuds back in and turned his back to Kayla with the stubbornness of 50 donkeys. Resorting to her final option Kayla sneakily put her fingers under Yoongi's arms and tickled him all over his body.

Yoongi laughed , shrieked, and squirmed but Kayla was not giving up easily this time.

"Kayla...please....stop..." Yoongi managed to get out in between laughs. Kayla smiled devilishly and tickled harder.

"Agree to clean with me or I'm never going to stop and that is a promise."

Yoongi raised his arms in surrender,"Fine fine I'll do it just please stop!" And with that Kayla stopped and folded her arms in triumph.

"You're a terrible terrible girlfriend." Yoongi huffed stretching but Kayla only smiled and proceeded to drag him into the other room to start with unpacking.

After several hours the two had only gotten one box completely unpacked due to reminiscing over the fond memories the boxes withheld. Whether it was yearbooks, graduation photos, you name it the two had fawned over all of the pleasant mementos no matter how big or small.

However, this small nostalgic moment quickly ended when Yoongi came down with another box from the attic and opened it with a gasp. Kayla quickly rushed over with a slight fear Yoongi had been hurt but this was way worse than anything she could ever imagine.
Kayla peered into the box and as she did a wave of horror washed over her entire being.

Water. Guns.

There were at least 15 in the box in total, with four humongous super soakers and many other guns in miscellaneous sizes. They purchased these what seemed like eons ago for a party the two hosted having a water gun fight with Bangtan and Kayla's close friends when their journey as a couple first began.

Kayla turned her gaze to Yoongi and he already had a devilish smirk upon his face.

"Don't even think about it." Kayla warned.

"Oh but I thought about it. And what a perfect way to get revenge. Isn't it?" Yoongi asked playfully before grabbing two of the super soakers and running into a nearby bathroom, locking himself in.

Kayla didn't even bother chasing after him as she was quickly filled with panic as only one thought ran through her head-

"I gotta hide."

And with that thought on repeat like a broken record she grabbed the remaining two super soakers, as well as two mini squirt guns in her pockets for backup and sprinted to the nearest bathroom to fill them up.

She warily crept around the house until she heard footsteps barreling down the stairs and quickly hid in a small storage closet.

She waited for a couple of minutes after  she heard Yoongi coming down the steps and slowly opened the door. When she peeked out she saw Yoongi, his back to her, looking around probably searching for her.

A sinister grin crept onto her face as she slowly walked behind Yoongi without making a sound.

"Boo." Kayla said as she started shooting Yoongi wildly with the water getting him near drenched. He screamed in anguish yet still had a smile on his face as he chased Kayla around the house shooting at her.

Soon the battle made its way outside as the two weaves through trees and shot each other. However, Yoongi and Kayla were on their last drop of water in the super soakers. After they tossed their guns to the side they both plopped down on the grass completely exhausted.

"So my lady, truce?" Yoongi asked turning his head and gazing lovingly at Kayla.

She smiled back and held eye contact, but little did he know she was slept pulling the mini water gun out of her pocket.

Yoongi held out his hand for her to shake, but as she reached she shot him in the face with the water and got up and started running away again.

"Wow you really are evil!" Yoongi screamed getting up to chase her again. But this time he caught her from behind then pulled him close to her chest.

She turned around and they kissed despite being soaked they clung onto each other in one of their most passionate kisses in their lifetimes.

"I love you so much, Kayla. Even though you betrayed me." Yoongi said chuckling with a pout.

Kayla laughed and gave him a peck on the lips again,"I love you too, even though your aim sucks ass."

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