Sugakookie Angst- Sober

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Months. It has been months since I can remember Yoongi ever being this sober. We've been living together for almost a year, but after the recent loss of a dear friend he's fallen back into his idiotic alcoholic habits.
I've been trying so hard to distract him but I fear nothing will ever change him now, not even his boyfriend. Today however is one of the good days where Yoongi isn't drunk out of his mind and we can spend time together that doesn't involve yelling or screaming.

Or so I thought.

"Yoongi-ah! I thought I told you if you're going to hang out with your bum friends to keep them outside of my house!" I yelled and slapped Yoongi upside his head and pointed to an all too familiar crackhead standing in the living room.

"First of all Namjoon is standing right there you don't have to call him a bum right in front of him! And your house? I thought this was our house, I thought I moved in so we could be together and happy and I wouldn't have to listen to you bitch all day!" Yoongi yelled back his frustration building up with every syllable. I scoffed and turned my gaze to Namjoon who stood there as if he had no sense whatsoever.

"Yah! You piece of trash, get out of my house you're going to fill my house with the dead animal smell you give off! Go, I don't want to see your face here ever again!" I yelled pointing at the door frantically ushering Namjoon out of the house. However Yoongi forcefully grabbed my wrist and ripped me away from Namjoon, I was now looking at him dead in the eyes. I tried squirming away but Yoongi's grip on me got tighter and tighter-

"If he leaves this house, I'm leaving with him. For good." Yoongi said his eyes watching me carefully. I yanked myself away holding my wrist then turned and pointed to the door once again-

"I don't have a problem with that, get out." I said then turned my back to him. I didn't do this for any dramatic effect, but I could see the tears slowly well up in the corners of his eyes. This is the first time he has ever cried because of me.

Yoongi snatched his coat off the ground and grabbed the keys for his car, before he left he stopped in the door frame.

Yoongi searched for words until he finally struggled out to say,"I thought you were better than this Jungkook. I really thought you were."
I got in the car and roughly wiped the tears from my eyes. Namjoon was already in the car and he looked at me with pitiful eyes as I sniffled and put the keys in the ignition.

"Um sorry I guess..." Namjoon said awkwardly patting my leg at an attempt of sympathy. I looked at him and smiled and punched his shoulder lightly.

"It's okay hyung, this isn't your fault. I'm glad that you were there to drag me out." I said laughing lightly trying to shrug away the wounds Jungkook's words left. Namjoon looked away seeing straight through Yoongi's fake smile, but he played along and figured bringing it up again would only cause a bigger problem. Yoongi started the car and began to drive away and the car was silent for what seemed like hours.

"So where we heading?" Namjoon asked his eyes focusing on the scenery passing them rapidly.

Yoongi laughed and shook his head as they pulled into Yoongi's favorite bar,"No need to guess, we're already here."
Wow. I don't think in the amount of times I've fucked up have I ever fucked up this bad. I held my head in my hands, rubbing my temples as a migraine slowly and surely began to build up. Damn that Yoongi, and damn myself. He is always so brave and courageous and will stick up for anyone meanwhile I just like being right and have a short temper. But God, did seeing him cry break me down to pieces. Now I have no idea where he is or any idea if he'll be back.

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