1) Planting the Primroses

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Katniss' POV

I'm still depressed about the whole Prim accident, she was only 13, way too young to die. But most of all, she was my one and only sister.

I laze around bed for a while until I hear a knock on the door. I get up and go answer it. I see a tall figure shadow waiting patiently with a flower bouquet in his hands.

"Katniss" he whispers softly

It was Gale. I don't feel like seeing him after what he did to Prim. She was the only person I had left to love and he took her away from me. Volunteering, protecting, caring, loving, promising, all that for nothing.

"Go away Gale, I can never forgive you for what you did to Prim"

"It was an accident, I promise you. You know that I would never do anything in a million years to ever hurt her"

"Well guess what? You just did" I shout

He places his hands on my shoulder and looks deeply into my eyes, I try shrug off his hands but his grip is too strong.

"I love you" he mumbles

He then suddenly presses his lips firmly onto mine, and I don't try stop him. I want my old Gale back. We stand there for a while kissing each other and exploring each other's mouths with our tongues.

I pull back to catch my breath, and then I suddenly realise what I have just done.

"Don't touch me" I scream

"Katniss, it's okay"

"No! Your trying to trick me"

He stares at me with his beautiful grey eyes and sighs.

"Here, I picked some Primroses from the woods on the way"

I snatch the Primroses from his hand and I form a thank you with my lips.

"Do you want to plant them"

"Not with the killer" I mutter

He grabs me by the wrist and leads me behind my cottage. He pats the soil gently and plant them on the spot.

"Will you forgive me?"

I pause.

I hear someone shouting my name and running towards me. Peeta runs over and glares at Gale suspiciously

"Katniss, you okay?"

I nod my head slightly.

"Gale, what are you doing here in the victors village?"

"Is it any of your business Peeta?" He spits

"Katniss?" Peeta shrugs

"I don't even know what's going on" I mumble with a tear falling down my cheek.

"I won't let him touch you" Peeta reassures as wraps his arms around me.

Gale slaps Peeta's cheek and holds onto me. Then at the most awkward moment he pulls me close and crashes his lips onto mine again.

"Get off her" I hear Peeta shout

I pull apart pushing Gale back.

"Talk to you later when lover boys not around" Gale winks as he walks off

I think I like him, maybe even love him a little.

Me and Peeta head back, just as Peeta switches paths to get to his cottage I stop him.

"Stay with me?"

"Always" he smiles

We head to my cottage and we hang our jackets on the hook.

We race each other up the stairs and jump into bed. I cuddle up close to him as he wraps his strong arms around me.

"Good night my beautiful" he smiles as he leans in and kisses me. I kiss him back and I drift off to sleep.

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