2) Running for love

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Katniss' POV

I wake up finding Peeta kissing me softly on my chest. His hands find their way under my shirt stroking me lightly.

"Good morning sweetheart" He smiles

"Good morning handsome"

I press my lips onto his and he pulls off my shirt and kisses me back.

I lean back realising what's about to happen. I pull on my shirt and crawl off bed

"Oh I'm so sorry"

"No it's fine, I'm just not ready for that yet" I flash a slightly fake smile

"I'll go make breakfast" He grins

"Yea you do that"

I pull on some fresh new clothes and run downstairs for breakfast

Peeta pulls out the tray of cheese buns from the oven and places it in front me

"Madame" he winks

I giggle as I stuff my mouth with the delicious cheese buns.

Peeta takes a glance at his watch and hurries out the door

"Late for the bakery"

"Oh off you go" I say as I chew up the last cheese bun

"Bye sweetheart" he smiles as he plants a kiss on my forehead

"Bye babe"

He grabs his cloak and slams the door behind him. I watch him walk through the village and disappear outside the window. I take a quick shower and slip on some comfy clothes then I pull over my fathers hunting jacket as I select a fine bow from my collection.

I sprint as fast as I can to the district station since the victors village is quite near it. I arrive at the station and I purchase a ticket to district 4 so I can meet Gale, the lady at the booth hands me my ticket and farewells me with a warm smile.

I play around with my ticket while I wait for the train to arrive.

"Oh Katniss! So great to see you here"

"Um hey Effie, actually I was just er going to um somewhere to collect something for the bakery"


"Yea- oh here's my train! Bye Effie"

"Ooh bye Katniss darling"

She flashes me a smile and wriggles her fingers to say goodbye

I board the train without looking back. That was close, what if Effie found out I was going back to Gale? What if she told Peeta and Peeta found out about me as Gale?

I know Peeta's going to propose to me soon, what do I say? Yes? No? What about Gale?

I ponder on my thoughts until I finally arrive to district 4. Now they have district trains, they are trains which can transport you to different districts, and they are designed to be super fast and speedy to get you to other districts on time.

Once I leave the train and land on the platform, I walk a few miles to Gale's hut and I knock on the door hoping he's gonna answer.

"Katniss? What are you doing here"

"I'm running for love"

"Oh I knew you'd come back" he grins

He leads me inside his hut and shows me all his new crafting materials, bones and weapons. He's been doing a lot of collecting lately.

"I missed you too much" I confess

"I saw it in your eyes"

"I brung my bow"

"We could go hunting"

"Let's go" I smile

We grab some crackers and cheese in our food supply bag and head out into the woods.

After we gather our meat, we sit down on the grass and fill ourselves up with crackers and cheese.

"Katniss" he whispers


"You know I still love you"

I blush as studies my faces carefully, he then pulls me in and attacks my lips forcefully with his, I wrap my arms around his neck as I kiss back, and he holds my waist as we kiss back and forth until our tongues meet.

He finally pulls back and speaks up



"You know, it's not too late to go and live together in the woods, you know, just you, me, and maybe our families?"

My eyes fill with tears and I squeeze his hands. Should we?

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