Chapter 2

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--{your pov}--

  Everyone soon went to sleep. I went into my room laid down and slowly fell asleep.


  My alarm went off. I got up and changed out of my pajamas. I walked out into my living room. I saw Adam passed out on the couch bed drooling. I giggled quietly at the sight. Instead of waking everyone so early in the morning I made some eggs, bacon, and sausage. Adam must have smelled the food cooking.

  "IS THAT BACON I SMELL?!" He shouted, it scared me.

  "Yes Adam, there's no need to shout." I responded.

  "Sorry about that." He laughed. "I'll go wake the guys up."

  Slowly one by one all the guys came into the kitchen. They thanked me for the food and hospitality. Once everyone was done eating they got ready to leave. Adam finished getting ready. He called a guy to help fix the car. Then Adam walked over to me.

  "(Y/n) thank you so much. You're the best for letting us stay. We will be back after the convention. We should be back here about 4 days from now, so Sunday."

  "Sounds good to me. Where will I be living though?" I asked.

  "Well if it's no big deal Max said he would rent an apartment with you since his apartment with Ross and Tim-tim is getting crowded."

  "Sounds good." I said calmly, but on the inside I was freaking out. I always had a thing for Max.

  There was a knock on the door. It was the guy that fixed Adams car. Adam payed him and told everyone it was time to leave. As everyone was walking out the door they all thanked me. Max was the last one out the door. He gave me a hug and whispered into my ear.

  "Thank you I needed to get out of that car. Also, your editing is amazing."

  I thanked him and he got into the car. I waved goodbye as they drove off. After they were out of sight I rushed upstairs and started packing. I called (bff/n) and told her the news.


"Calm yourself. I'll be in washing in a couple days. I'm getting an apartment with Max. You said you were moving in with some of your other friends in Washington right?"

"Ooo I know you like Max." (Bff/n) said. "And yes I'm moving in with my buddies."

"Great. Well I got to go pack now. Baii!" I said then hanging up.

'Time to pack!'


It was now Saturday night and Adam texted me.
(A-Adam Y-you)

A: hey I hope you're all packed and ready we will be there tomorrow.

Y: yes I'm all ready to go.

A: okay sounds great! The moving truck may arrive before we get there.

Y: that's totally fine. I should get some sleep now.

A: night see you in the morning!!

Hope you are enjoying the book. I think this book is turning out great. Nothing it being super rushed. This should be a long book. :)

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