Minho Oneshot

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You lay in the garden, while the med jacks surrounded you. You had skipped breakfast that morning since you had felt so sick after Minho never came out of the maze with almost dead Alby, and the Greenie. Your best friend was stuck out in the maze without you.

Newt had tried getting you to eat, but you refused with a soft smile. He nodded and finished his eggs in peace. But refusing it was a mistake.

Jeff picked you up with the help of Clint and Newt. Your blood sugar was very low at the moment, and you had passed out.

Hot sun, no breakfast, low blood sugar, passed out, best friend stuck out in the maze. What a great day.

You were fed, Newt having you force the food Jeff gave you down, and then you were free.

"Come on. The maze doors are opening soon." He says, you looked down with tears in your eyes. "Hey, he's alright love. He'll come back to you. He always has." You nod, and shrug. Doubting Newt's words.

Your heart bursts, and you wrap your arms around Newt's waist. You were close to Newt, he was like your brother. "It'll be alright."  He promises.

"The doors are opening!" Chuck yells, Newt turns his head in the direction, and then kisses the top of your head. "Want to come see?" He asks, you wipe away a tear.

"Not really." You say. He nods.

"I'll come get you if he comes back, okay?" He says. You think this through, it'd be even more painful hearing it from your second best friend that both of your beast friend has died.

"Yeah." You agree, not in you mind. You run back to the shack Gally had built you. He had been ordered by Alby to do it, since he didn't like you at all in the beginning.

You closed the door and absolutely broke down, falling to your knees and letting the tears continuously fall into the ground.

It take almost twenty minutes of sobbing for you to realize, Newt hasn't come to get you. They thought he was dead. They knew he was. You decided to switch roles, if they gave up their hope, then you'd get yours up, and you'd wait for him.

You ran out the door, slamming it behind you, and ran to the door. Half of the Gladers stood there, including Newt and Chuck.

"Y/n, what are you doing here love?" Newt asks as you take a stand by his side.

"I've got to see him for myself. I've got to be here." You say.

"You sure?" He asks. You nod.

After another five minutes Newt sighs and turns to Chuck, " I told you Chuck. They're not coming back." The rest of them agree and walk away. You and Chuck stand there, astonished.

"I'm staying." You declare. Chuck nods.

"Me too." Your attention turns back to the maze, and you watch as a shadow grows, closer and closer around the corner, and then Minho's figure and the Greenie's, carrying Alby.

You gasp. "Minho!" You yell after. Chuck's attention turns back to the maze and cheers. The Gladers all come back speechlessly, Newt taking his spot by you. You watch their blurry bodies come nearer. Tears fell from your eyes, and since they arrived, they dropped Album's body down, and the Greenie fell to his knees exhausted. Minho caught you in his arms, you hugged him tightly.

"Why are you crying shank?" He asks.

"I thought you were dead! You didn't come back for hours! And you were in there all night- h-how'd you survive?" You ask, he pulls back but your still in his arms.

"I just thought of how I needed to get back to you." He says. He wipes away a tear that's falling from your cheek. You smile.

"I thought you weren't coming back." You say.

"I'll always come back to you Y/n." He promises.

"Where's my sarcastic Minho? This isn't like you." You say.

"Haha. Trying to have a moment and you ruined it." He says, rolling his eyes.

"There he is." You smile.

"I seriously did miss you. And what I said was true, you brought me home." He says.

"I missed you too. I couldn't lose my best friend Minho."

"Ouch. Did you just friend zone me?" He says.

You giggle. "Not intentionally. I would never."

"So does that mean you like me?" He smirks, and takes your hand.

"No. That means I love you." You say.

"That's so stupid it's adorable." He smiles, and kisses you, placing one hand on your back and holding you close, holding your hand in his, and pressing his lips against yours. When he pulls back he says, "I was thinking about how I needed to do that, at least before I died."

"You're never going to leave me." You say.

"Or you me." He says.

"That's so cheesy, it's adorable." You say. He smiles.

He pulls you closer again, and presses his lips to yours once more. You hadn't ever thought of Minho like this, you do love him. And he loves you, he never acted like it before. Just like a best friend. But this moment, this moment changed everything. The way you thought of him, and your relationship.

"You're my shank." He says, and after that moment, you and Minho never parted.

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