the beggining

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"I'm sorry" is one thing we hear and use everyday in life, We are raised being taught that it is the correct thing to use in any situation which really takes away from the meaning. People say it when they break up, bump into you, when someone dies and just about every situation that could happen. Its something that just naturally comes out of our mouths which means its easy to say but hard to mean.


"Ash can you come here please" I hear my step dad call from the bottom of the stairs even though I told him not to bother me because I am studying.
"yeah coming" I yell back. I shut my laptop and get up from my desk looking in the mirror as I walked by. Every time I passed a mirror I don't know why but I just had to look at myself, its a habit. I turn the cold metal knob and jog down the steps.

My mom and dad are sitting on the couch, my mom begging in tears as my dads has his arm around her for comfort. There's also the Hemmings family on the couch next to them with the same sad looks plastered on their faces, Whats going on?
"Whats going on?" I ask confused as to what I had just walked in on but no one answers, they just all look at each other and Liz breaks into tears along with my mom.
"Is everything alright?" I ask still confused. Why weren't they answering me and why where they crying?
"Ash sit down we need to talk about something" My father says, his voice cracking as if he were on the verge of crying. I sit down on the empty small couch. Mine and Luke's mom whip their tears and our fathers look at each other. What was happing, was it Luke? No it couldn't be I was hanging out with him a little over an hour ago. My dads lips part as if he's about to speak but he stops and turns so he was facing no one but he quickly turned back around. He had tears rolling down his face as his lips part and he begins to talk.
"Ash...Luke" His scratchy voice stops before finishing his sentence, I hope he's not going to say what I think he's going to say, he couldn't.
"Luke what dad?"
"Luke committed suicide" they all lift their faces to look at me.
"No he didn't, we were hanging out less than an hour ago."

Luke couldn't have done that, he was to happy. They had to be lieing.
"I'm sorry Ash" Liz says
"No, no, no ,no ,no. Luke didn't do that you guys are lieing, he is the happiest person I know and he's my best friend, he would have told me if something was wrong." I say looking at them with a serious face as I wait for them to tell me all of this was just some sick prank.
"I wish it wasn't true, we found him in his room with an empty bottle of pills on the floor. Ashton I'm so sorry" Liz sobs and gets up to hug me but I stand up and move out of her reach. They can't be serious but I know they are.
"Don't" I mumble "don't touch me"
"Luke I'm sor--" she begins to speak with tears rolling down her face but I don't want to hear anything else she has to tell me.
"Don't even say it!" I scream "He was my best friend and now he's gone and none of your "i'm sorry's" are going to bring him back, so save it" I could feel tears building up causing my vision to go blurry but I could still see the shocked looks on their faces.
"Ashton stop it" My mother shouts
"Stop what mom? Am I supposed to just sit here and listen to you guys say "I'm sorry" like its going to fix everything, sit here like my best friend didn't just kill himself?" I say sarcastically.
I could tell she was feeling bad for me by the look on her face but that look and the million sorry's I will receive won't brig him back. It doesn't seem real, less than 2 hours ago he was sitting on this same couch laughing and smiling like nothing was wrong. The memory of his laughter causes the built up tears to pour down my cheeks.
"Luke she's going threw the same thing as you, we all are so you need to understand that we are all upset, not just you. She lost her son and you lost your best friend so you don't need to be saying those things to her like she doesn't know what your going threw right now." my mom joins into the argument. She's right Liz was trying to comfort me because she understood what I was going threw especially since she was dealing with it an hour ago.
"I got to go".
I grab my keys off the table and walk out the front door, slamming it behind me as I run to my car and speed out of the driveway.
I feel like its my fault Luke's dead. I never asked if anything was wrong, I just assumed he was okay. I should have spent more time with him and told him how much his friendship meant to me, there's so many things I wish I would have said to him but now I can't.

My first Ashton story on this account, YAYYY and I think it was a good beginning just a tab bit sad which is fine since the story is going to get better.
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