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It didn't take long for Dipper, Mabel, and Wendy to reach the stream. With the weight of the wheelbarrow gone, they could walk much faster through the woods. However, the shift was taking a toll on all of them. At one point, Mabel almost left the group entirely, not remembering where she was or why she was there.

"Mabel," Dipper had coaxed, eyes wide in fear, "it's me, Dipper, your brother."

"Why would I have a deer as a brother?" she had retorted, turning away. Wendy reached out and grabbed her, carrying her in her arms with a hungry grin.

"Get off me!" Mabel screamed, kicking her hooves. Wendy growled once and it silenced the girl into a ball, round brown eyes staring up at Wendy's wolf-like face. Five minutes later, Mabel awoke from this trance, shaking her head and stepping out of the teen's grasp. They continued on without a word.

Once they encountered the stream, things became much more difficult. The group searched for the journal high and low, fighting to keep control of their bodies and not let their animal sides take over. It was strange how Dipper had never come upon this type of mutation in the journal.

"I can't find it," Wendy finally stated, shaking her head. "This is useless. We're never gonna fix ourselves."

"We can't lose this journal," Dipper said from the other side of the clearing. He was finding it harder and harder to stay near Wendy, as the teen could lash out at any moment. He assumed that it might also be because of his new state of mind. He had always been a frightful boy, but deer tended to be a little more cautious.

"Plus," Mabel added, though she was hardly searching, "we don't know how much longer we'll be able to search."

The group looked at one another fearfully before continuing on.


"Danny, you down there?"

The merman could hear every word Jazz was saying as if she was speaking through a Fenton Phone. Hidden far underneath the waves, the teen was afraid of coming back up. His heartbeat was so strong he could feel it rising into his neck, and perspiration mixed with the water around him. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt his big sister, the person who had been there for him through thick and thin. With one last glance at the surface, he plowed farther into the lake.

It was like he had stepped into a whole other world. Underneath the surface, it was alive with fish, their iridescent tails flashing with color. Danny could see perfectly well under the water, a development that occurred during his sudden shift. As he swam, he found more and more interesting things. The most terrifying of them all was a giant sea monster that swam past him, its scales an ocean green. Beady black eyes studied him before turning and swimming in another direction.

It was then that Danny happened upon a castle.

It was big, with fishnet windows and gray cement walls. Moss and other greenery clung to the exterior and fish swam around it in swirling patterns, from the thick base to the highest tower. Intrigued, he swam closer, the mysterious feel of it drawing him in. It looked abandoned.

The large wooden door had been left open, allowing Danny to swim inside. He studied the white poles that held the room up and the tapestries that covered the walls. Looking forward, he saw a throne that resembled a clam, it's blue plush seat welcoming. As he was pondering who could've possibly lived there, a sudden pain filled his chest and head. He fell to the floor, closing his eyes and grimacing.

"What in the world?" Voices sounded around him, making his head pound harder. He gasped.

"Take him to a bedroom upstairs," a deep voice ordered. He felt himself being lifted off the ground and he opened his eyes. Everything was a blur of blue and green, with an occasional flash of tail.

"He does not look safe. Perhaps we should leave him outside the castle."

"Father, I will not allow such a thing to happen. He's obviously in pain, who knows what's happening to him."

Danny closed his eyes again as he was set down on a bed. He gasped at the pain that arched through his chest when his back touched the blanket.

"Mermando, stay away from this boy. I do not want to lose you again."

There was a sigh. "As you wish, Father."

Danny fell unconscious.


Mabel, Wendy, and Dipper sat down in the long grass, studying the stream with tired eyes.

"It's gone," Dipper muttered, kicking at the dirt with his hoof. "It's not here."

"Who could've taken it?"

Wendy stood. "I don't know and I don't care. I'm starving, we have got to get something to eat before I kill someone."

Mabel and Dipper both backed away. Wendy rolled her eyes.

"I was kidding. Let's just go."

They all stood, casting glances back on the stream as they walked away. Dipper shook his head and trotted forward.

Where could it have gone?

He narrowed his eyes and looked at the misfit group around him. At the moment, nothing else mattered. He knew that he had to find a way to save his friends.

And, despite his new form and the loss of the journal, nothing was going to stop him.

2.44k reads. 247 votes. Did you hear me? I don't think I heard myself. Absolutely unbelievable. How?

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